thank you for your quick reply and your advices. I tried it but still have
a problem maybe you or other statalist-pros could help me.
You suggested
gen daysinyear=doy(mdy(12,31,year))
gen rndday=int(daysinyear*runiform())
gen rnddate=mdy(1,1,year)+rndday
My problem is that I need one random date per ID for the year in which the
decison was made.
Based on your suggestions I trie to solve in this way:
Because I need the date in the decison year I used:
bys ID: egen maxyear = max(year)
then I computed the days for the "decison year":
gen daysinyear = doy (mdy (12, 31, maxyear)
But then I failed again. When I use
gen rndday= int (daysinyear*runiform())
I get several random numbers for one ID. But I need only one random number
per ID, because I need only one "day of decison" for each subject.
Could anybody help me to get compute one random number per ID (in a panel
data set)?
Thank you for your help!
Best Frauke
Frauke Rüther, Dipl.-Kffr., M.A.
Research Associate
University of St.Gallen
Institute of Technology Management
Dufourstrasse 40a
CH - 9000 St. Gallen
Phone +41 (0)71 224 7225
Fax +41 (0)71 224 7301
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