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Re: st: problems with usersite
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jeremy Reynolds <[email protected]>
However, when I ask Stata to do something with the files, I get an
message. For example:
. copy http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/iqv.ado iqv.ado
file http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/iqv.ado not found
When I ran -copy- with the same command you listed, I got an error,
but changing it to the following allowed me to copy "iqv.ado" from
your webpage:
copy "http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/" iqv.ado, replace
. use http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/gss2002.dta,clear
file http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/gss2002.dta not found
When I tried using -net- it failed with the error:
. net from "http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/"
file http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/stata.toc not found
http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/ either
1) is not a valid URL, or
2) could not be contacted, or
3) is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).
When I use -webuse set- and -webuse- to try and use "gss2002.dta", it
fails, however if I -copy- the file, it downloads to my machine.
While Sergiy reports that he can open your file from Stata, I cannot.
It tells me that it is not Stata format. (( I am using Stata 11MP for
Mac (10.6) ))
. webuse set "http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/"
(prefix now "http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu")
r; t=0.00 1:02:40
. webuse gss2002.dta, clear
file http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/gss2002.dta not found
. copy "http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/" gss2002.dta, replace
r; t=0.23 1:04:04
. use gss2002.dta
file gss2002.dta not Stata format
r(610); t=0.01 1:04:05
When I use Stata to examine user sites that other people have
created I
don't have any problems.
I have read the Stata help file for creating a user site
I have also looked at some posts to the statalist for help
Mark Lunt was also kind enough to verify for me that the files can
be seen
with wget.
Using -curl- (similar to wget) I can download your gss2002.dta file
and it opens in Stata without error.
!curl -o "gss2002.dta" "http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/gss2002.dta"
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out why Stata does not
see the
files I have posted on my site.
Any idea what is wrong?
When Sergiy states in his reply:
1) I don't have troubles accessing your files from Stata (for example,
the average age of 1496 observations in your sample is 46.20655).
Perhaps the problem is already resolved on your end, but make sure
that you are using the proper version of Stata, e.g. if the files were
created in Stata 10 or 11, don't try to open them in Stata 9.
I wonder what commands (and what version of Stata) he uses to access
your files directly, & more importantly, what I am doing wrong here
that produces a different outcome.
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754
On Sep 14, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Kieran McCaul wrote:
That's strange. I couldn't access it yesterday and still can't today.
I'm on version 10.1
Kieran McCaul MPH PhD
WA Centre for Health & Ageing (M573)
University of Western Australia
Level 6, Ainslie House
48 Murray St
Perth 6000
Phone: (08) 9224-2701
Fax: (08) 9224 8009
email: [email protected]
If you live to be one hundred, you've got it made.
Very few people die past that age - George Burns
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]
] On Behalf Of Sergiy Radyakin
Sent: Tuesday, 15 September 2009 5:27 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: problems with usersite
Dear Mr. Reynolds,
1) I don't have troubles accessing your files from Stata (for example,
the average age of 1496 observations in your sample is 46.20655).
Perhaps the problem is already resolved on your end, but make sure
that you are using the proper version of Stata, e.g. if the files were
created in Stata 10 or 11, don't try to open them in Stata 9.
2) If the problem still persists, check if the view command can show
you the files' contents. Also check your proxy settings.
3) Finally, there could be separate file repositories for internal and
external access. (E.g. users within your network will see the files
differently compared to the users from outside, hence you may need to
upload twice each file). You may need to consult your site admin on
Best regards,
Sergiy Radyakin
Consultant, Reserch Department
The World Bank
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jeremy Reynolds <[email protected]>
Dear Statalist,
I am having trouble setting up a usersite and would appreciate your
I have placed the files below on my home page and formatted them as
described in the Stata help file (http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?usersite
I can see the files in a browser. For example:
However, when I ask Stata to do something with the files, I get an
message. For example:
. copy http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/iqv.ado iqv.ado
file http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/iqv.ado not found
. use http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/gss2002.dta,clear
file http://jeremyr.myweb.uga.edu/gss2002.dta not found
When I use Stata to examine user sites that other people have
created I
don't have any problems.
I have read the Stata help file for creating a user site
I have also looked at some posts to the statalist for help
Mark Lunt was also kind enough to verify for me that the files can
be seen
with wget.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out why Stata does not
see the
files I have posted on my site.
Any idea what is wrong?
Dr. Jeremy Reynolds
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Coordinator
Department of Sociology
117 Baldwin Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1611
Phone: (706) 583-8072
Web: http://uga.edu/soc/people/faculty/reynolds_jeremy.php
Fax: (706) 542-4320
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
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