While StataCorp are explaining and/or fixing, note that -stripplot- from
SSC can produce similar graphs, e.g.
stripplot mpg, over(foreign) center box vertical stack height(0.3)
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
Same problem on my end! The example from the manual does not run,
Stata chokes on the name of a temporary variable which is for some
".". When -unab- goes to work on this variable, it returns the error ".
invalid name". Weirdly enough, both versions of Stata seem to use the
version of dotplot:
*! version 3.5.3 25may2005
Garry Anderson
sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
dotplot mpg, over(foreign) nx(25) ny(10) center median bar
. invalid name
However, the same command in Stata 10.1 does not give an error message
and produces the dotplot as shown on page 360 of the online Stata 11 [R]
manual. Removing the -,bar- option shows the dotplot without the bars.
Any suggestions as to why the bar option is causing a problem would be
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