It doesn't look like there are any -tif_options- of -graph export-
that will help you. However, you might be able to export the files as
PDF or EPS and then convert them to TIFF -- assuming that the PDF or
EPS output is at a higher DPI. (I'm not sure about that; you'll need
to experiment.)
Some potential ways to do the conversion:
1. Preview (included as part of Mac OS X)
2. GraphicConverter (3rd party application: <http://www.lemkesoft.com/>)
3. sips (Unix command; standard with Mac OS X)
Suggestions 1 and 2 are GUI-based and thus both easy to use and best
if you only have a relatively small number of images to convert a
relatively small number of times. (That said, you may be able to
create an Automator script -- particularly for Preview -- that could
automate the process for a large number of files. In fact, you could
attach the Automator script to a folder so that any EPS and/or PDF
file saved to a particular folder is automatically converted to TIFF
Suggestion 3 requires some level of comfort with the Unix CLI of
Terminal on Mac OS X. Type "man sips" at a Terminal prompt or look at
>. N.B. the "dpiHeight" and "dpiWidth" image property keys.
(Disclaimer: I have not tried this approach, and also may require
some experimentation to get it right.) Once you find the appropriate
syntax of the sips command, you should be able to call it directly
from Stata with the -shell- command (or the "bang": !).
Of course, there is always option 4: contact the editor of the
journal and ask nicely if they have the ability to use another format
that you _can_ create within Stata.
Hope this helps,
On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Fred Wolfe wrote:
A journal that has one of my papers wants the graphics in JPG or TIF
format. I am using Stata 11, MAC X 10.6. I can only export to the TIF
I use the command: graph export mygraph.tif, width(16000).
But I only get 72 DPI (dots per inch). They request at least 300 DPI.
Is there any way to get better detail in the Stata export? The width()
doesn't seem to make any difference.
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