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st: About truncreg

From   Jeetendra Aryal <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: About truncreg
Date   Wed, 23 Sep 2009 15:39:06 +0200

Dear stalist,
I want to carry out Double hurdle model (Cragg version), in which first step is probit and second stage is truncreg. I have the data as follows:

HHN    Plot   Manure  Fertilizer  ManureDummy
1           1       0            1200           0
1           2        345       249             1
1           3       250         0                1
2           1       234         670            1
2           2        0           450             0
2           3        900        0                1
2           4         230       350            1
3           1          0          370            0
3           2          0           900           0

and so on. As a household can have several plots (farm plots), this provides a panel data structure. Therefore, I used the command as:
. xtprobit manuredummy .............
.truncreg manure ..................

Question: How can I use command "truncreg" in panel data type?

Any suggestions are welcome!!

Warm regards,
Jeetendra Aryal
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