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st: R: Survival analysis for uncensored data

From   "Carlo Lazzaro" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: R: Survival analysis for uncensored data
Date   Thu, 3 Sep 2009 09:18:10 +0200

Dear George,
I am not that clear with your sentence " all samples experienced a target event during the observation period". Does this mean that all subjects experienced the event under investigation within the observation period? If this holds true, ypur only censored observations would pertain to those subjects lost during the observation period.

More in general, omitting from survival analysis censored observations may end up in a possibly relevant loss of information.

"If it is inappropriate to use techniques of survival analysis in such data, would it be OK to analyze the data with regular regression models (OLS, poisson, etc) with the time till experiencing the target event as a dependent variable?"

For further details on this topic, I will recommend you to take a look at:
Cleves MA, Gould WG, Gutierrez R. An Introduction To Survival Analysis Using Stata. Revised edition. College Station: StataPress, 2004; 
[ST] Stata manual. Survival analysis and epidemiological table. Release 9

Two other relevant contributors of the Statalist - Maarten Buis (  and Stephen Jenkins ( published really interesting papers as well as teaching-notes on Survival Analysis.

HTH and Kind Regards,

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Per conto di "George Kikuchi ?? ??"
Inviato: giovedì 3 settembre 2009 6.53
A: [email protected]
Oggetto: st: Survival analysis for uncensored data

Hello Stata users,

I have a quick question about survival analysis.  Would it be OK to run various survival analysis methods (KM, cox reg, etc) for only uncensored observations?  In my data, all samples experienced a target event during the observation period.

If it is inappropriate to use techniques of survival analysis in such data, would it be OK to analyze the data with regular regression models (OLS, poisson, etc) with the time till experiencing the target event as a dependent variable?

Thank you,


George Kikuchi, Ph.D.

National Research Institute of Police Science
Department of Criminology and Behavioral Sciences
Crime Prevention Section

6-3-1 Kashiwanoha
Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-0882

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