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Re: st: rregfit (Robust Regression)

From   Alan Riley <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: rregfit (Robust Regression)
Date   Wed, 23 Sep 2009 14:26:38 -0500

Betty Chang ([email protected]) reported that -findit-
couldn't find the command -rregfit-:
> I am looking for a command that can compute R-squared and several
> other fit indices for Robust Regression.
> I found a user written program called "rregfit" from UCLA website:
> However, I can not find any download link by typing the " findit
> rregfit" in the command line.

Phil Ender ([email protected]) replied
> We have been informed that there is a problem with -findit rregfit-.
> We have checked rregfit.pkg and stata.toc which look okay.  We are
> contacting Stata to see if they can shed any light on the problem.  In
> the meantime, as Tirthankar Chakravarty, replied the program is
> available using the following commands:
> net from
> net install rregfit
> When we figure out what is going on, I will post the information to Statalist.

It appears that the Stata .toc/.pkg crawler on was unable
to connect to the above URL last night.  We have just re-run the crawler,

   . findit rregfit

now finds the appropriate package.

[email protected]

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