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st: left censoring, survival analysis
Dear Stata Users,
I'm actually working on a sample of employed workers and I would like
to know how to deal with left censoring in my data.
My sample contains employed workers in 1998, therefore I observe one
spell per worker.
The end of the spells is found by using following waves.
The beginning of each employment spell can be found because workers
have been asked when they started the current job.
But unfortunately, this information is not known for workers that
started their spell before 1979.
My interpretation is that these workers should be treated as left
censored, as the date when their spell begins is not known. I only
know that their spell started before 1979.
My questions are:
1) Can I deal with these data in STATA or should I remove the left
censored observations?
In my sample, it seems that having left censoring and duration
of the spell are positively correlated, therefore deleting these
observations is likely to have consequences on inference.
2) Is the use of the module INTCENS (by Jamie Griffin) appropriate for
these data?
3) The guide to Survival Analysis by Cleves, Gould and Gutierrez
suggests that, even if possibly different in nature, matematically,
left censored data can be treated as interval censored. In my case, I
would observe one
interval for each worker (intervals are very long and transitions
occur at the end of the interval).
Therefore, can I estimate my model using a probit / logit / cloglog
4) Finally, would st setting my data only indicating right censoring
invalidate non parametric analysis (specifically, KM and NA estimates)?
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