Try this for a start:
sysuse auto, clear
keep in 1/5
levelsof make, local(mymakes)
foreach ma of local mymakes{
di "`ma'"
tw (line mpg price if make=="`ma'")
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
[mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Dorothy Bridges
Sent: Mittwoch, 30. September 2009 19:52
To: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
Subject: st: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
Hi everyone: I would like to write a foreach loop that will produce a
separate twoway graph for each value of my string variable msa_name.
When I enter:
levels msa_name, local(MSA)
foreach i of local MSA {
twoway (line yvar1 xvar if msa_name==`i' & state1==1, lpattern(dash))
(line yvar2 xvar if msa_name==`i' & state1==1, color(navy) yaxis(2)),
title("`i'",color(black) placement(west) justification(left))
saving(`i', replace);
Stata tells me, "end of do file," but does nothing.
In an attempt to isolate the problem, I tried the simpler:
foreach i of local MSA {
twoway line yvar1 xvar if msa_name==`i' & state1==1 & county1==1,
which returns, "Allentown not found." The first value of msa_name is
I seached the archives and did find a similar query, but I still could
not solve my problem.
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