Brian & Martin,
Thank you for your response
This seems to be a tough application of the xt commands. Gustave from the
STATA staff sent the following to me on this question:
Dear Degas,
We do not have a one line command to perform the regressions that you
Require and store the coefficient estimates. As I mentioned in my previous
mail, "You may rather need to write a short program including a loop and
using the -postfile- command". The code below reproduces an example with one
of the datasets available from our website:
webuse grunfeld,clear
xtset company year
tempname vector
postfile `vector' time1 time2 ///
beta_mvalue beta_kstock beta_const ///
se_mvalue se_kstock se_const ///
using mybeta, replace
set more off
forvalues i=1935/1952 {
local j=`i'+2
display _n(3) in white _col(30) ///
"Time period:" `i' "-" `j'
xtreg invest mvalue kstock if year>=`i' & year<=`j'
post `vector' ///
(`i') (`j') ///
(_b[mvalue]) (_b[kstock]) (_b[_cons]) ///
(_se[mvalue]) (_se[kstock]) (_se[_cons])
local j=`j'+1
postclose `vector'
set more on
use mybeta,clear
I hope this helps.
I plan to try this solution and the others that you suggested. Using the xt
commands in this way appears to be an efficient means to increase the
R-square of the model as compared to simply using a one period cross
sectional regression.
Thank you,
Degas A. Wright, CFA
Chief Investment Officer
Decatur Capital Management, Inc.
250 East Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 325
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Voice: 404.270.9838
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Martin Weiss
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:19 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: AW: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data
when I try to replicate your dataset, I do not even manage to get -rolling-
to estimate a single coefficient. It complains about insufficient
observations. How is your real dataset different from the one I concoct?
set obs 2000
set seed 14234
gen xticker=_n
gen alpha=rnormal(0,0.02)
expand 88
bys xticker: gen period=_n
forv i=1/20{
gen var`i'=rnormal(0,0.03)
egen total=rowtotal(var*)
gen return= /*
*/ 0.02+0.05*total+alpha+ /*
*/ rnormal(0,0.03)
xtset xticker period
rolling _b _se, window(3) clear: /*
*/ xtreg return var*, /*
*/ vce(cluster xticker)
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Brian R. Landy
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. September 2009 17:28
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data
Hi, I'm not really sure what your question is, but I'm guessing you
find rolling: to be slow with a panel? I observed this a while back
(and did report to Stata but have never seen notice that it was
fixed), I found that -rolling- in conjunction with panels is far
slower than the time implied by (# panels)*(time for rolling
regression on just one panel). In my case a regression was taking
over 1 hour on a 4 CPU box, this was for somewhere around 100 panels,
4 years of daily data, and a 2 year rolling regression.
My workaround was to use foreach to loop over the panels, saving and
merging the results of each somewhat like this:
// prep data
tsset id date
gen end=date // for later merging
tempfile stats
levelsof id, local(ids)
foreach id of local ids {
keep if id==`id'
quietly: rolling, window(`window') saving(`stats', replace) ///
nodots: regress y x
merge id end using "`stats'", sort update replace nokeep
drop _merge
This took my 1+ hour runtime down to just a few minutes.
Quoting Degas Wright <[email protected]>:
> I have a longitudinal dataset that has 2000 stocks as xticker (id) and
> dependent variable, return (t+1), with 20 independent variables (t) over
> periods (months).
> I am trying to run a , xtreg, regression over three periods and then use
> coefficients from the regression to forecast the t+1 return. When I use
> following command:
> . rolling _b _se, window (3) clear: xtreg return, var1, var2,.var20,
> vce(cluster xticker)
> (running regress on estimation sample)
> -> xticker = 1
> Rolling replications (86)
> ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
> .........
> -> xticker = 2
> Rolling replications (86)
> ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
> ........
> It starts going through each of the 2000 stocks, by listing xticker1,
> xticker 2, etc.. I have stopped it prior to the run being completed
> it will take a long time to go through all 2000 stocks.
> Is there another command that I should be using? For instance I use the
> forvalues command to run the regression, xtreg, one period at a time for
> of the periods, Period 1, Period 2, etc.
> Thank you for your assistance.
> Degas A. Wright, CFA
> Chief Investment Officer
> Decatur Capital Management, Inc.
> 250 East Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 325
> Decatur, Georgia 30030
> Voice: 404.270.9838
> Fax:404.270.9840
> Website:
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