For listing I think you need StataCorp to come up with a new display format, or to do it yourself by creating a string variable that displays as you wish.
[email protected]
Steinar Fossedal
I'm currently working on a dataset where I am interested in examining
the observations' time difference compared to a base time. Thus I have
defined the variable
gen double timediff = observedtime - basetime
format timediff %tcHH:MM:SS
In cases with negative timediff, this format displays the results as
e.g. 23:50:00 (for 10 minutes negative). I would like the results
displayed as -00:10:00, so they can be easily related to the positive
timediffs. Besides improved readability in the dataset, this would
enable me to create a histogram on timediff, showing the spread in
timediff on both the positive and negative side.
I need to work on the timediff as the basetime is different for
different groups in the dataset, so I can't simply make a histogram on
observedtime for all observations.
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