Hi statalist,
When I use the OLS, I would like to know whether the included covariates are
jointly significant, that is if they should be included in the model. I want to
test a F statistic for the overall significance of a regression? How do I do
this? Or is this results already computed in the outcome of the regression
output. Is the F (7, 2151) = 176 and Prob > F = 0.0000 the F test?
. reg ha medu ethnicity female ageinmonth agesquare childeweight mage, r
Linear regression Number of obs = 2159
F( 7, 2151) = 176.90
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.4400
Root MSE = 1.159
| Robust
ha | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
medu | .1686295 .0274034 6.15 0.000 .1148897 .2223694
ethnicity | .040194 .0572155 0.70 0.482 -.0720094 .1523974
female | .4656059 .0510575 9.12 0.000 .3654787 .565733
ageinmonth | -.2404885 .0082513 -29.15 0.000 -.25667 -.2243071
agesquare | .0022284 .0001083 20.57 0.000 .002016 .0024409
childeweight | .0484869 .0019144 25.33 0.000 .0447327 .0522412
mage | .0029801 .0037242 0.80 0.424 -.0043233 .0102835
_cons | -2.853446 .1739336 -16.41 0.000 -3.194542 -2.512351
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