Allan Reese (Cefas) <[email protected]> is using the -addplot()- option
with the -sunflower- command:
> I want to add the Y=X line on a sunflower plot but
> sunflower totallengthmm forklengthmm, addplot(line forklengthmm
> forklengthmm )
> plots the line, the legend, but no sunflowers.
> scatter totallengthmm forklengthmm, msym(vsmall) jitter(2) || line
> forklengthmm forklengthmm
> shows blobs where I want my sunny flowers.
> Any thoughts please?
Allan found a bug in -sunflower-'s rendering logic when the -addplot()- option
is specified.
This will be fixed (for both Stata 10 and Stata 11) in the next update.
[email protected]
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