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st: -svyset-, weights, and NLSY

From   Mike Lacy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -svyset-, weights, and NLSY
Date   Wed, 02 Sep 2009 11:51:30 -0600


I'm working with the NLSY (National Longitudinal Study of Youth and trying to make appropriate allowances for the complex survey design, taking into account both weighting and the sample design structure.

To make a long story short, the documentation on this is pretty terse, and practices in the literature are a bit dicey (e.g., using weights but ignoring sample structure or design effects; ignoring weighting and sample structure completely). I'm discovering that it's a pretty good piece of work to figure out what to do from the sample design documentation, so I'm taking a stab here hoping someone in the Stata community might have have worked with the NLSY and --svyset- and be willing to share some code. I suppose this might be of sufficiently limited interest that a response off list might make more sense.


Mike Lacy, Assoc. Prof.
Soc. Dept., Colo. State. Univ.
Fort Collins CO 80523 USA

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