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st: margins and interactions

From   "Ed Levitas" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: margins and interactions
Date   Tue, 1 Sep 2009 14:12:11 -0500


I apologize for the simplicity of this question but I can't seem to
solve a problem.

I am trying to compute elasticities of variables in a regression model
(using xtreg,fe).  The model includes a squared term (iv2 squared).

My simplified model is:

 xtreg dv iv1 c.iv2##c.iv2.

I've tried a number of variants of the margins command (e.g. "margins,
eyex(iv1 c.iv2##c.iv2)") but I continually receive errors.

Can someone point me to a reference or provide suggestions about the
correct syntax for the margins command?


Edward Levitas, PhD
Associate Professor
Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business 
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
3202 N. Maryland Ave.
Milwaukee, WI  53211
ph: (414) 229-6825
fx: (414) 229-6957

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