The answer is yes for -inrange()- [sic], but see also -twithin()-.
In general, show us the code, not your guesses.
Camila Contessi
Thanks Nick and Martin,
I corrected all the identified but still stata gives an
error......probabaly the way I am defning the "inrage"
Is there a way to tell stata if a date lies between dates for example,
> This looks wrong:
> labe var y "follow-up time in months*/
> Presumably you want
> labe var y "follow-up time in months"
> There is at least one other problem with your code. The loop will fail
> second time round as -flag- will then already exist.
> I don't understand most of the details here, but your loop may need to
> be rewritten something like
> gen flag = .
> forval ... {
> ...
> count ...
> replace flag = r(N) in `i'
> }
> Camila Contessi
> I am doing a survival analysis on mutiple events, the data is split
> 3 months interval. Once the data is split, I would like to assing each
> 3 months a date the measurements of liver funtion is been taken that
> lies between the interval and if it has two measurements within each
> interval to take the first.
> this is the command I am running in STATA 10
> stset exitdate, f(ckd) origin(time datefirstseen) enter(time
> datefirstseen) exit(time .) id (id) scale (30.45)
> recast float _t _t0, force
> gen y= _t- _t0
> labe var y "follow-up time in months*/
> format _origin %d
> stsplit time, every(3)
> sort id
> merge id using `livf' /*then merge with serial measurments data*/
> quietly forval i = 1/`= _N' {
> sort id exitdate datelliv ///
> inrange((starf[`i']) (starf[`i'[_n-1]]), - Date, 1,
> 232009)
> gen flag = r(N) in `i'
> }
> STATA comes back with "time-series operators not allowed"
> I wnted to genrate the flag to indicate the date between 17/02/06 and
> 19/05/06, which is 01/03/2006. Not sure what I am doing wrong, please
> could nay one help.
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