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st: R: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio

From   "Carlo Lazzaro" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: R: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
Date   Fri, 4 Sep 2009 09:44:45 +0200

Johannes Schoder wrote:

<In my dataset I have information on the survival time in months for each 
individual, the county where he was diagnosed, and the cancer type he 
was diagnosed with.>

Dear Johannes, from the brief outline of your problem, it would seem that
you have all the items for performing a Survival Analysis in Stata. 

For further details on Survival Analysis topics, I will recommend you to
take a look at:
Cleves MA, Gould WG, Gutierrez R. An Introduction To Survival Analysis Using
Stata. Revised edition. College Station: StataPress, 2004; 
[ST] Stata manual. Survival analysis and epidemiological table. Release 9 

Two other relevant contributors of the Statalist - Maarten Buis
(  and Stephen Jenkins
published really interesting papers as well as teaching-notes on Survival

Some other examples of regression analysis for health and epidemiological
data can be forund in: 

Juul S. An introduction to Stata for health researchers. College Station, :
Stata Press, 2006

HTH and Kind Regards,


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Per conto di Johannes Schoder
Inviato: giovedì 3 settembre 2009 21.04
A: [email protected]
Oggetto: st: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio

Hi all,

I am struggling for a while with the following issue:
I should estimate a  model of the following form:
(Number of people diagnosed with cancer type i in county c who survived 
5 years or more)/ (Total number of people diagnosed with cancer type  i 
in county c)=beta_ln_Number of people diagnosed with cancer type i in 
county c

In my dataset I have information on the survival time in months for each 
individual, the county where he was diagnosed, and the cancer type he 
was diagnosed with.
My advisor is using SAS and used the command:
 PROC GENMOD; class type county MODEL N_SURV/N_DIAG=ln_DIAG type 
However, in Stata I don't know how to estimate a model where the 
dependent variable is a ratio (see the lhs variable above). Does anyone 
know how to estimate this kind of model in Stata?
Thanks a lot for your help!!

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