You are assuming there is an underlying population SD, right? Which
means there is an underlying population mean (proportion) m and the SD
is sqrt(m*(1-m)), right?
or after the -vwls- command,
di sqrt(_b[_cons]*(1-_b[_cons]))
see also
(noting that you have aweights).
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Frank Peter <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters,
> Please, I am trying to convert standard error to standard deviation from meta-analysis of proportion. Taking data from a recent post
> input study cases total
> 1 20 1000
> 2 40 5000
> 3 30 1500
> 4 25 3300
> end
> Is it valid if I get the SD like this?
> r(seES)*sqrt(1000+5000+1500+3300)
> OR
> r(seES)*sqrt((1000+5000+1500+3300)/4)
> I need the sd to calculate alpha and beta parameter for beta function - ibeta(a,b,x)
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