Dear Statalist Users:
I am estimating the impact of the number of deaths per county and cause
of death on the age at death per county and cause.
I have information for each county: on the number, the mean age at
death, and the cause of death.
The model looks like that:
xi: reg MeanAge_death log_n_death [aweight=n_death]
where MeanAge_death is the average Age at death in county i due to cause c
n_death: Number of death in county i due to cause c
I assume that I have to cluster my standard errors since the
observations within county i might be correlated within counties?
Then my model would simply look like:
xi: reg age_death_i,c log_n_death [aweight=n_death], robust
But I am not sure if I also have to cluster according to different cause
of death?
Thanks a lot for any suggestion.
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