Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Mon Jun 30 21:49:29 2008)
- st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: gllamm or else?
- Re: st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: labels on bar graphs
- RE: st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: clorenz syntax
- st: RE: RE: set: simple question - confidence interval plot
- RE: st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- st: RE: set: simple question - confidence interval plot
- st: RE: RE: RE: clorenz syntax
- Re: st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- st: set: simple question - confidence interval plot
- Re: st: Selecting stubnames for -reshape- / macrolists
- st: RE: RE: clorenz syntax
- RE: st: how to retain a complicated subset of data
- st: RE: RE: replace missing in panel data
- st: RE: clorenz syntax
- RE: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- st: clorenz syntax
- RE: st: Selecting stubnames for -reshape- / macrolists
- st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: svy prefix with oheckman command
- Re: st: Selecting stubnames for -reshape- / macrolists
- Re: st: Running 32 Bit Stata IC 10 on 64 Bit Stata
- st: RE: replace missing in panel data
- st: Percent correctly predicted after Asclogit or Clogit
- Re: st: Selecting stubnames for -reshape- / macrolists
- st: Selecting stubnames for -reshape- / macrolists
- st: Selecting stubnames for -reshape- / macrolists
- st: replace missing in panel data
- st: svy prefix with oheckman command
- st: RE: RE: gllamm or else?
- st: ivprobit with plot level data and household endogenous variable
- Re: st: capture blocks
- RE: st: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: RE: gllamm or else?
- RE: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- st: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: labels on bar graphs
- st: overid after reg3
- st: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: post oaxaca decomposition
- RE: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- Re: AW: st: 3 Level - LMM - Number of clusters?
- R: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- Re: Re: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution -correction
- Re: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution -correction
- Re: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- RE: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- RE: st: how to retain a complicated subset of data
- R: st: probability mass function for a binomial distribution
- st: RE: a simple macro problem
- Re: st: capture blocks
- Re: st: capture blocks
- Re: st: capture blocks
- st: capture blocks
- st: RE: dealing with 0 in cells in 2x2 tables
- st: RE: gllamm or else?
- RE: st: Running 32 Bit Stata IC 10 on 64 Bit Stata
- st: post oaxaca decomposition
- Re: Re: st: RE: a simple macro problem
- Re: st: RE: a simple macro problem
- Re: st: RE: a simple macro problem
- Re: st: Re: NLogit Post estimation
- Re: st: weighting issue in panel regressions
- st: weighting issue in panel regressions
- Re: st: how to retain a complicated subset of data
- st: RE: how to retain a complicated subset of data
- st: how to retain a complicated subset of data
- st: xtabond2 goodness-of-fit
- Re: st: Advanced use of the shell command
- Re: Re: Another old question - Re: RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments?
- st: RE: a simple macro problem
- st: a simple macro problem
- RE: st: Advanced use of the shell command
- st: Running 32 Bit Stata IC 10 on 64 Bit Stata
- R: st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution
- st: RE: Trellis plot without duplicate labels
- RE: st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution
- R: st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution
- Re: st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution
- st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution
- st: Trellis plot without duplicate labels
- st: gllamm or else?
- st: K-fold validation
- Re: st: Is there an ideal do file editor?
- Re: st: pronunciation
- RE: st: pronunciation
- st: RE: help with xtserial
- AW: st: pronunciation
- RE: st: Quick display of categorical data
- RE: st: Quick display of categorical data
- st: instruments in ivprobit
- Re: st: pronunciation
- st: dealing with 0 in cells in 2x2 tables
- st: RE: RE: duplicates in timevar in panels
- RE: st: Quick display of categorical data
- st: Re: NLogit Post estimation
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- st: Mata versus Matlab
- st: Libby Holden is out of the office.
- st: RE: duplicates in timevar in panels
- st: duplicates in timevar in panels
- st: RE: help with xtserial
- RE: st: RE: user input as scalar value
- st: help with xtserial
- Re: RE: st: RE: Countvariables/Poisson Regression in heterogeneouschoice models
- st: Quick display of categorical data
- Re: st: Quick display of categorical data
- Re: st: Advanced use of the shell command
- RE: st: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- [no subject]
- RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments
- RE: st: Advanced use of the shell command
- RE: st: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: Advanced use of the shell command
- RE: st: pronunciation
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: Advanced use of the shell command
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: How to graph predictions after estimation with multiple equations
- st: RE: pronunciation
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: pronunciation
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- st: RE: RE: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: pronunciation
- st: pronunciation
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: How to graph predictions after estimation with multiple equations
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: RE: Problem with METAN (forest plot)...
- st: RE: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- st: RE: RE: RE: user input as scalar value
- st: How to graph predictions after estimation with multiple equations
- st: NLogit Post-estimation
- st: RE: RE: user input as scalar value
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- Re: st: Stata on Mac or PC
- st: RE: user input as scalar value
- st: Stata on Mac or PC
- RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments
- Re: st: RE: Changing the width of the box in a boxplot
- Re: st: testing equality of parameter estimates across two models--suest followed by test
- st: ST: variable editing
- st: user input as scalar value
- st: RE: Problem with METAN (forest plot)...
- RE: st: frequency of continuous variables
- st: RE: Changing the width of the box in a boxplot
- st: Advanced use of the shell command
- st: Problem with METAN (forest plot)...
- st: 3SLS, appropriate option to enter equation
- st: Changing the width of the box in a boxplot
- Re: st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- RE: st: testing equality of parameter estimates across two models--suest followed by test
- st: RE: newey2 and first-stage results
- st: newey2 and first-stage results
- Re: st: testing equality of parameter estimates across two models--suest followed by test
- [no subject]
- RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments
- Re: st: frequency of continuous variables
- st: frequency of continuous variables
- st: testing equality of parameter estimates across two models--suest followed by test
- Re: Another old question - Re: RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments?
- RE: st: RE: RE: calculating means by group, with weights
- Another old question - Re: RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments?
- Re: st: RE: RE: calculating means by group, with weights
- Re: st: R-squared
- st: R-squared
- st: Advanced use of the shell command
- st: svyset where PPS and two stage cluster sampling is used
- RE: st: probit questions
- Re: st: RE: RE: calculating means by group, with weights
- st: RE: RE: probit questions
- st: RE: RE: calculating means by group, with weights
- Re: st: calculating means by group, with weights
- st: RE: calculating means by group, with weights
- st: RE: ST: variable editing
- st: RE: calculating means by group, with weights
- st: RE: probit questions
- Re: st: probit questions
- st: calculating means by group, with weights
- st: RE: probit questions
- Re: st: probit questions
- st: probit questions
- RE: st: 3 Level - LMM - Number of clusters?
- st: RE: ST: variable editing
- Re: st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- Re: st: Re: Comparisons in repeated measures anova
- st: ST: variable editing
- st: Updated -xml_tab- on SSC
- RE: st: Xtlogit: two different groups, two different RE
- [no subject]
- RE: st: St: variable editing
- RE: st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- RE: st: St: variable editing
- st: Yahoo! Auto Response
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: Re: Comparisons in repeated measures anova
- st: Clarification of metatrim use in confunnel SJ article
- RE: st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments
- st: Xtlogit: two different groups, two different RE
- Re: st: constraints
- st: xtscc vs. cluster - once again; was heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: constraints
- st: help producing marginal effects after two step IV probit
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: Lincom after sepov
- st: Stata Journal and SSC Archive
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: constraints
- Re: st: constraints
- AW: st: 3 Level - LMM - Number of clusters?
- Re: Re: st: two-way fixed effects
- RE: st: Lincom after sepov
- st: constraints
- Re: st: St: variable editing
- Re: st: make outreg/outsum output neat
- Re: st: 3 Level - LMM - Number of clusters?
- Re: st: two-way fixed effects
- RE: st: RE: Countvariables/Poisson Regression in heterogeneouschoice models
- st: RE: St: variable editing
- Re: st: St: variable editing
- Re: st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- st: St: variable editing
- st: xtdpd and dgmmiv: restricting the LDV instruments
- st: RE: two-way fixed effects
- st: re: two-way fixed effects
- Re: st: RE: Countvariables/Poisson Regression in heterogeneous choicemodels
- Re: st: RE: two-way fixed effects
- Re: st: Countvariables/Poisson Regression in hetergenous choice models
- st: RE: Countvariables/Poisson Regression in hetergenous choice models
- Re: st: two-way fixed effects
- st: Countvariables/Poisson Regression in hetergenous choice models
- re: st: Re: Comparisons in repeated measures anova
- st: RE: two-way fixed effects
- st: two-way fixed effects
- Re: st: Stopping and Starting a Running Sum
- Re: ***SPAM*** st: make outreg/outsum output neat
- st: Stopping and Starting a Running Sum
- st: make outreg/outsum output neat
- st: new package xtmis available from ssc
- Re: st: Logit output
- st: RE: Fwd: FW: duration of mulitple episodes in panel data
- RE: st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- RE: st: RE: Local macros and strings: yet another query...
- st: funcdep & collapseunique
- Re: st: Logit output
- st: 3 Level - LMM - Number of clusters?
- RE: st: Logit output
- st: Metan log scale for x axis ?
- RE: st: Logit output
- Re: st: Logit output
- Re: st: RE: Local macros and strings: yet another query...
- Re: st: Logit output
- st: Logit output
- Re: st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- Re: st: Local macros and strings: yet another query...
- st: RE: Lincom after sepov
- st: RE: Local macros and strings: yet another query...
- st: Lincom after sepov
- st: Re: estout and estget
- st: Local macros and strings: yet another query...
- st: RE: A beginner's trouble with dates
- Re: st: RE: A beginner's trouble with dates
- st: A beginner's trouble with dates
- Re: st: five logs?
- Re: st: Difference between Monte Carlo simulation and the parametric bootstrap
- st: Difference between Monte Carlo simulation and the parametric bootstrap
- RE: st: local macro query
- st: five logs?
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: local macro query
- Re: st: eststo and estget
- st: Re: Comparisons in repeated measures anova
- st: local macro query
- st: bug fix ftest
- st: eststo and estget
- st: xtmixed - "Missing Values Encoutered"
- Re: st: RE: decimal places of P-values for testparm (and other commands)
- Re: st: decimal places of P-values for testparm (and other commands)
- st: RE: decimal places of P-values for testparm (and other commands)
- st: decimal places of P-values for testparm (and other commands)
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- RE: st: removing space from $_DATE
- st: RE: re: different result everytime - something strange
- RE: st: split window view of do files
- Re: st: power or sample size by survival vs. comparison of proportions
- Re: st: removing space from $_DATE
- Re: st: power or sample size by survival vs. comparison of proportions
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: Log without extra data
- Re: st: Log without extra data
- Re: st: Log without extra data
- st: Log without extra data
- Re: st: Multinomial probit model error
- Re: st: Multinomial probit model error
- st: re: different result everytime - something strange
- Re: st: Multinomial probit model error
- st: Re: different result everytime - something strange
- st: Multinomial probit model error
- RE: st: a question on t-test
- RE: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- Re: st: a question on t-test
- st: power or sample size by survival vs. comparison of proportions
- st: a question on t-test
- RE: st: Sequential correlated probits
- RE: st: Sequential correlated probits
- RE: st: removing space from $_DATE
- Re: st: removing space from $_DATE
- st: RE: removing space from $_DATE
- st: removing space from $_DATE
- st: Fwd: report missing obs in panel
- st: Fwd: FW: duration of mulitple episodes in panel data
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: Multiline Relabeling graph & plotting piecharts with foreach
- Re: st: split window view of do files
- Re: st: Manipulating a data structure
- Re: st: Re: interpretation of mfx
- RE: st: Validity of R Square with -nl- Regressions
- st: Re: interpretation of mfx
- RE: st: Validity of R Square with -nl- Regressions
- RE: st: Validity of R Square with -nl- Regressions
- RE: st: let loop stop when the first variable x becomes 0
- Re: st: uniqmaster option with merge
- st: uniqmaster option with merge
- st: How to obtain standard errors of the best linear unbiased predictions?
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: Matching in STATA
- RE: st: different result everytime - something strange
- Re: st: how to deal with households
- st: Matching in STATA
- Re: st: oaxaca blinder decomposition after cox
- RE: st: different result everytime - something strange
- Re: st: how to deal with households
- RE: st: different result everytime - something strange
- st: long or wide in survey data
- st: how to deal with households
- Re: st: Validity of R Square with -nl- Regressions
- st: Validity of R Square with -nl- Regressions
- st: RE: different result everytime - something strange
- R: st: R: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - power calculation
- Re: st: split window view of do files
- Re: st: let loop stop when the first variable x becomes 0
- st: split window view of do files
- Re: st: let loop stop when the first variable x becomes 0
- Re: st: let loop stop when the first variable x becomes 0
- st: let loop stop when the first variable x becomes 0
- Re: st: Manipulating a data structure
- st: xttobit not converging log likelihood "not concave"
- Re: R�p. : Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- Re: R�p. : Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- Re: R�p. : Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- st: RE: RE: analyses with multiple imputation
- st: RE: analyses with multiple imputation
- st: analyses with multiple imputation
- RE: st: R: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - power calculation
- Re: st: Manipulating a data structure
- st: Manipulating a data structure
- Re: st: Multiline Relabeling graph & plotting piecharts with foreach
- st: Multiline Relabeling graph & plotting piecharts with foreach
- RE: st: different result everytime - something strange
- Re: st: different result everytime - something strange
- st: RE: different result everytime - something strange
- RE: st: error bars
- st: different result everytime - something strange
- st: RE: RE: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- st: RE: Percentage calculation by groups
- st: RE: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- Re: st: linear mixed model estimation
- RE: st: Ignore accents while sorting international characters
- Re: st: oaxaca blinder decomposition after cox
- st: linear mixed model estimation
- Re: st: Ignore accents while sorting international characters
- RE: st: st. "for" command in stata X
- st: new package ftest availabel from ssc
- Re: st: filling in weekend dates
- Re: st: st. "for" command in stata X
- Re: st: filling in weekend dates
- st: non-rejection confidence intervals for relative risk
- st: st. "for" command in stata X
- Re: st: Coding random sampling with replacement
- st: filling in weekend dates
- st: Coding random sampling with replacement
- st: Multiple failure survival data structure?
- st: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- st: RE: RE: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- Re: st: Quantile regression
- st: Quantile regression
- Re: st: Line breaks in outsheet
- Re: st: Running old Stata (8.0) on new Ubuntu
- st: RE: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- st: RE: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- Re: st: Running old Stata (8.0) on new Ubuntu
- st: maximum 3 and minmium 3 values
- st: RE: Question: Option -by- in -eclplot- revisited
- Re: st: Interpreting Oaxaca with Heckman
- Re: st: oaxaca blinder decomposition after cox
- Re: st: -estout-, -mfx- and column headings
- Re: st: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - power calculation
- st: oaxaca blinder decomposition after cox
- Re: st: iv in heckman model
- Re: R�p. : Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- Re: R�p. : Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- st: R: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - power calculation
- Re: st: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - power calculation
- st: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient - power calculation
- st: -estout-, -mfx- and column headings
- =?UTF-8?Q?R=C3=A9p.=20:=20Re:=20st:=20Interpretation=20of=20-mfx?==?UTF-8?Q?-?=
- st: Percentage calculation by groups
- Re: st: Ignore accents while sorting international characters
- st: Question: Option -by- in -eclplot- revisited
- Re: st: Ignore accents while sorting international characters
- RE: st: error bars
- st: Re: Tabulate command ordering
- Re: st: bootstraping two stages together
- st: RE: RE: I can't run a simple program!
- st: RE: I can't run a simple program!
- st: RE: I can't run a simple program!
- Re: st: I can't run a simple program!
- Re: st: I can't run a simple program!
- RE: st: error bars
- Re: st: bootstraping two stages together
- st: I can't run a simple program!
- Re: st: bootstraping two stages together
- st:Re: variables named T099`j'
- Re: st: error bars
- RE: st: Why is the -plot()- option now the -addplot()- option?
- Re: st: error bars
- Re: st:variables named T099`j'
- Re: st: Re: Tabulate command ordering
- st: Re: Tabulate command ordering
- Re: st: error bars
- st:variables named T099`j'
- Re: st: Why is the -plot()- option now the -addplot()- option?
- RE: st: how can I test my NBREG model?
- st: RE: Why is the -plot()- option now the -addplot()- option?
- RE: st: bootstraping two stages together
- Re: st: Tabulate command ordering
- st: Tabulate command ordering
- st: iv in heckman model
- Re: st: User-defined MLE problem: How would you solve this?
- Re: st: User-defined MLE problem: How would you solve this?
- st: User-defined MLE problem: How would you solve this?
- Re: st: bootstraping two stages together
- Re: st: Checking for Periodicity in Extremely Dense data
- Re: st: Line breaks in outsheet
- st: RE: Line breaks in outsheet
- Re: st: bootstraping two stages together
- st: bootstraping two stages together
- Re: st: panel data
- st: panel data
- Re: st: merge in panel data
- st: Line breaks in outsheet
- Re: st: Running old Stata (8.0) on new Ubuntu
- st: merge in panel data
- Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- Re: st: Ignore accents while sorting international characters
- Re: st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- st: Interpretation of -mfx-
- Re: st: Running old Stata (8.0) on new Ubuntu
- st: RE: Trying to run a loop
- R: st: how can I test my NBREG model?
- st: Sequential correlated probits
- st: Ignore accents while sorting international characters
- Re: st: how can I test my NBREG model?
- st: Checking for Periodicity in Extremely Dense data
- Re: st: xline abbreviation?
- st: re: insufficient disk space error r(699)
- st: Insufficient disk space error r(699)
- st: Efficient use of -postfile-
- st: Trying to run a loop
- st: how can I test my NBREG model?
- =?UTF-8?Q?R=C3=A9p.=20:=20Re:=20st:=20-estout-=20and=20percentag?==?UTF-8?Q?e=20of=20"correctly=20classified"=20after=20-logit-?=
- Re: st: estimating expenditure quartiles for subgroups of survey dat
- st: Why is the -plot()- option now the -addplot()- option?
- Re: st: -estout- and percentage of "correctly classified" after -logit-
- st: RE: xline abbreviation?
- st: xline abbreviation?
- RE: st: RE: UPDATE: once again -reshape- and labels
- st: Running old Stata (8.0) on new Ubuntu
- st: -estout- and percentage of "correctly classified" after-logit-
- st: Problem with stata : initial values not feasible
- st: Problem with stata : initial values not feasible
- st: Re: weighted curve fitting in stata
- Re: st: something like a Chow test for clogit?
- st: Puja Vasudeva Dutta is out of the office.
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- Re: st: RE: UPDATE: once again -reshape- and labels
- Re: st: RE: UPDATE: once again -reshape- and labels
- Re: st: something like a Chow test for clogit?
- Re: st: Merging unbalanced datasets
- Re: st: RE: UPDATE: once again -reshape- and labels
- Re: st: Merging unbalanced datasets
- st: Update to outreg2
- st: Merging unbalanced datasets
- st: something like a Chow test for clogit?
- st: RE: UPDATE: once again -reshape- and labels
- st: UPDATE: once again -reshape- and labels
- R: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- RE: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- Re: st: RE: once again -reshape- and labels
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- st: RE: once again -reshape- and labels
- R: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- st: RE: once again -reshape- and labels
- st: RE: local=0802 vs. local=802
- st: re: local=0802 vs local=802
- st: once again -reshape- and labels
- st: local=0802 vs. local=802
- st: RE: RE: can I compare correlations with t-tests (Bonferroni)?
- st: RE: can I compare correlations with t-tests (Bonferroni)?
- RE: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- st: accessing sum of weights
- RE: st: error bars
- Re: st: error bars
- st: error bars
- st: RE: RE: simple way to count how many variables' value is uner 10 for a case
- st: RE: simple way to count how many variables' value is uner 10 for a case
- RE: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- st: RE: can I compare correlations with t-tests (Bonferroni)?
- st: can I compare correlations with t-tests (Bonferroni)?
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- Re: st:simple way to count how many variables' value is uner 10 for a case
- st:simple way to count how many variables' value is uner 10 for a case
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- RE: st: Estimating a choice model with allocations
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- st: problems with -mvsampsi-
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- st: chopped first lines [was: RE: RE: RE: treatreg2]
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- RE: st: local r(varlist)?
- RE: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- RE: st: Problem creating multiple loops
- RE: st: Help with data cleaning
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- Re: st: Help with data cleaning
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- st: Help with data cleaning
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- Re: st: bivariate probit
- RE: st: treatreg2
- Re: st: Converting an odds ratio in a risk ratio - Logit
- R: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- st: Converting an odds ratio in a risk ratio - Logit
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- RE: st: using different macros everytime
- Re: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- Re: st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- st: one-way 95 CI for Ha: diff < 0
- Re: st: multiple graphs
- Re: st: treatreg2
- Re: st: bivariate probit
- st: bivariate probit
- Re: st: multiple graphs
- Re: st: local r(varlist)?
- Re: st: listing extra commands installed in stata
- Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
- Re: st: multiple graphs
- Re: st: multiple graphs
- Re: st: multiple graphs
- st: multiple graphs
- Re: st: multiple graphs
- [no subject]
- st: RE: listing extra commands installed in stata
- Re: st: local r(varlist)?
- Re: st: using different macros everytime
- Re: st: listing extra commands installed in stata
- st: listing extra commands installed in stata
- Re: Re: st: estimating expenditure quartiles for subgroups of survey dat
- st: using different macros everytime
- RE: st: treatreg2
- Re: st: treatreg2
- st: local r(varlist)?
- st: Estimating a choice model with allocations
- st: treatreg2
- st: RE: RE: treatreg2
- st: RE: treatreg2
- st: RE: treatreg2
- st: RE: treatreg2
- st: treatreg2
- st: RE: STATA 10 bug? variables disappearing with reshape wide
- st: STATA 10 bug? variables disappearing with reshape wide
- Re: st: Problem creating multiple loops
- st: Problem creating multiple loops
- st: Use of psmatch2
- st: Interpreting Oaxaca with Heckman
- st: RE: RE: rank ordered twoway graph
- RE: st: RE: RE: date function error?
- RE: st: RE: RE: date function error?
- Re: st: String Match
- Re: st: estimating expenditure quartiles for subgroups of survey data
- st: RE: rank ordered twoway graph
- Re: st: Stata licensing query
- st: RE: generating id number
- Re: st: RE: epiconf for Cox regression model
- st: String Match
- st: RE: local macro
- RE: st: local macro
- st: local macro
- Re: st: generating id number
- Fwd: st: generating id number
- st: generating id number
- st: circulation forecasting
- st: RE: Stata licensing query
- RE: st: Graph bar problem
- st: RE: RE: RE: rank ordered twoway graph
- st: R: Analysis of non normal outcomes in a nested matched case control
- st: Arellano Bond with correlated panels
- st: pseudo r2 and confidence limits
- st: ICD-10 and Global Burden of Disease (GBD)
- st: Analysis of non normal outcomes in a nested matched case control
- st: Stata licensing query
- AW: st: data problem - duplicates
- Re: st: RE: RE: date function error?
- st: RE: epiconf for Cox regression model
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: date function error?
- st: estimating expenditure quartiles for subgroups of survey data
- RE: st:search variables according to words in label
- Re: st:search variables according to words in label
- Re: st:search variables according to words in label
- st:search variables according to words in label
- st: RE: RE: RE: date function error?
- st: RE: RE: date function error?
- st: RE: RE: rank ordered twoway graph
- st: RE: Problem with -reshape- and value labels
- st: RE: date function error?
- st: epiconf for Cox regression model
- Re: st: New versions of somersd and parmest on SSC
- st: predictions from ML program
- st: date function error?
- RE: st: accessing delta-method-derived standard errors
- st: cross-validation of NBREG
- Re: R: st: R: probability question
- Re: st: Graph bar problem
- st: New package for relative survival models: strsrcs
- Re: st: Graph bar problem
- st: Graph bar problem
- R: st: R: probability question
- Re: st: R: probability question
- Re: st: User-written commands and vce() support
- Re: st: User-written commands and vce() support
- Re: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- Re: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- [no subject]
- Re: st: graph export does not seem to save very large images?
- Re: st: User-written commands and vce() support
- st: re: user-written commands and vce() support
- st: update to -ralloc-
- st: User-written commands and vce() support
- Re: st: R: probability question
- st: Generating values relative to a base year for several variables
- st: RE: Problem with -reshape- and value labels
- st: New versions of somersd and parmest on SSC
- st: Problem with -reshape- and value labels
- st: SSC Archive updates
- Re: st: RE: Duration and average frequency of examination
- Re: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- Re: st: Duration and average frequency of examination
- st: RE: RE: Variables in logistic regression
- Re: st: accessing delta-method-derived standard errors
- Re: st: graph export does not seem to save very large images?
- Re: st: accessing delta-method-derived standard errors
- st: RE: Error handling in -simulate-
- Re: st: Error handling in -simulate-
- RE: st: accessing delta-method-derived standard errors
- Re: st: accessing delta-method-derived standard errors
- st: Error handling in -simulate-
- st: accessing delta-method-derived standard errors
- Re: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- st: RE: Variables in logistic regression
- Re: st: Variables in logistic regression
- st: Variables in logistic regression
- Re: st: Logit question
- st: RE: Re: program for similar commands
- Re: st: interpretation of interaction term
- st: interpretation of interaction term
- st: Re: program for similar commands
- st: Re: statalist-digest V4 #3088
- st: Re: seqlogit
- st: RE: rank ordered twoway graph
- st: RE: RE: program for similiar commands
- Re: st: Changing variable names
- Re: st: Changing variable names
- st: Changing variable names
- RE: st: predictions from ML program
- st: R: probability question
- st: RE: program for similiar commands
- RE: st: predictions from ML program
- RE: st: Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:24:24 +0100
- RE: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- Re: st: Logit question
- RE: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- st: program for similiar commands
- st: Logit question
- st: RE: RE: dominance testing
- st: rank ordered twoway graph
- Re: st: graph export does not seem to save very large images?
- st: RE: Duration and average frequency of examination
- Re: st: probability question
- Re: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- st: graph export does not seem to save very large images?
- Re: st: Duration and average frequency of examination
- st: probability question
- Re: st: Update to -evhistplot- package
- st: Update to -evhistplot- package
- Re: st: Call Stata data editor from command line
- st: Duration and average frequency of examination
- Re: st: seqlogit
- st: frequency of examination and duration
- Re: st: seqlogit
- Re: st: About the consequence of doing a two step estimation manually
- Re: st: SUR between an ordinary least squares model and a probit model?
- st: seqlogit
- st: Call Stata data editor from command line
- RE: st: About the consequence of doing a two step estimationmanually
- st: Re: my statalist posting about time-varying variables in Cox regression
- st: RE: String Function
- Re: st: String Function
- Re: st: Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:24:24 +0100
- st: String Function
- st: RE: Re: Display labels
- st: RE: Re: Display labels
- Re: st: Re: Display labels
- st: Re: Display labels
- Re: st: Odds ratio for interaction term
- st: Odds ratio for interaction term
- st: predictions from ML program
- st: new: ghk2(), enhanced GHK Mata function
- st: question on -treatreg-
- st: Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:24:24 +0100
- st: memory issue and windows SP3
- Re: st: Coding time-varying variables in Cox regression
- Re: st: Coding time-varying variables in Cox regression
- Re: st: Coding time-varying variables in Cox regression
- Re: st: working with a vector and scalars (fwd)
- Re: st: About the consequence of doing a two step estimation manually
- Re: st: working with a vector and scalars
- Re: st: About the consequence of doing a two step estimationmanually
- Re: st: Coding time-varying variables in Cox regression
- st: About the consequence of doing a two step estimation manually
- Re: st: Coding time-varying variables in Cox regression
- st: Job Posting: Statistical Programmer/Analyst at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
- st: NetCourse Announcement
- st: Coding time-varying variables in Cox regression
- st: Upcoming public training courses in New York City and San Francisco
- Re: st: inconsistent do-file execution PLUS
- st: RE: RE: extract portion of variable name to use in variable label
- Re: st: RE: extract portion of variable name to use in variable label
- RE: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- st: RE: extract portion of variable name to use in variable label
- st: RE: extract portion of variable name to use in variable label
- st: extract portion of variable name to use in variable label
- st: RE: RE: dominance testing
- st: RE: dominance testing
- Re: st: RE: RE: dominance testing
- Re: st: working with a vector and scalars
- st: Testing for autocorrelation in the disturbance in a system ofequations
- st: RE: RE: dominance testing
- st: RE: dominance testing
- st: "Survival Analysis using Stata" Lessons updated
- RE: st: predictions from ML program
- RE: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- st: dominance testing
- st: SSC archive activity, May 2008
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- Re: Re: st: double clustering
- Re: st: working with a vector and scalars
- Re: st: inconsistent do-file execution PLUS
- Re: st: inconsistent do-file execution PLUS
- st: working with a vector and scalars
- Re: st: inconsistent do-file execution
- st: inconsistent do-file execution
- RE: st: RE: Re: corr() with weights, -by-
- Re: st: RE: Re: corr() with weights, -by-
- st: RE: Re: corr() with weights, -by-
- Re: st: Re: corr() with weights, -by-
- RE: st: RE: inconsistent response to same syntax
- st: Re: corr() with weights, -by-
- RE: st: using egen for categorical variable indicating groups
- Re: st: Re: graph quality in LaTeX
- st: corr() with weights, -by-
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- Re: st: using egen for categorical variable indicating groups
- Re: st: using egen for categorical variable indicating groups
- st: using egen for categorical variable indicating groups
- Re: st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- Re: st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- st: RE: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- st: Your opinion on income groups and inflation
- st: Re: graph quality in LaTeX
- st: Re: graph quality in LaTeX
- st: RE: How to assess treatreg bivariate normal assumption
- Re: Re: st: double clustering
- Re: st: how to estima with Swamy Method or Swamy and Mehta with Stata
- Re: st: svy, subpop ( ) with version 10
- Re: st: /* */ comments inside Stata program
- Re: st: /* */ comments inside Stata program
- Re: st: System of Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regressions (with Constraints)
- Re: st: System of Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regressions (with Constraints)
- Re: st: System of Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regressions (with Constraints)
- st: Re: text analysis
- Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- st: /* */ comments inside Stata program
- Re: st: System of Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regressions (with Constraints)
- st: System of Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regressions (with Constraints)
- Re: st: svy, subpop ( ) with version 10
- Re: st: svy, subpop ( ) with version 10
- Re: st: svy, subpop ( ) with version 10
- Re: st: Renaming value label names
- Re: st: svy, subpop ( ) with version 10
- st: svy, subpop ( ) with version 10
- st: Renaming value label names
- st: Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic
- st: Auto-run program on the hour, every hour
- Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- RE: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- st: Re: problem with rownumb() colnumb
- Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- RE: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- RE: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
- st: RE: Graph Quality in Latex
- st: problem with rownumb() colnumb
- st: Graph Quality in Latex
- st: RE: boundary constraints within nl
- Re: st: boundary constraints within nl
- Re: st: RE: inconsistent response to same syntax
- Re: st: boundary constraints within nl
- st: boundary constraints within nl
- RE: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: Re: inconsistent response to same syntax
- st: RE: 2 questions
- st: RE: -estimates post- followed by post-estimation processing
- st: RE: inconsistent response to same syntax
- Re: st: Re: inconsistent response to same syntax
- st: RE: 2 questions
- Re: st: 2 questions
- st: 2 questions
- st: Re: inconsistent response to same syntax
- st: inconsistent response to same syntax
- Re: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- RE: st: Too many variables
- Re: st: Too many variables
- st: Simulation clustered population
- Re: st: -estimates post- followed by post-estimation processing
- Re: st: R: Initial failure in Cox hazard models
- Re: st: -estimates post- followed by post-estimation processing
- st: Graphics link: tiled, labelled histograms
- st: -estimates post- followed by post-estimation processing
- Re: st: predictions from ML program
- st: -estimates post- followed by post-estimation processing
- st: predictions from ML program
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3083
- st: R: Initial failure in Cox hazard models
- Re: st: Too many variables
- RE: st: Fracplot after cnreg, intreg and nbreg
- Re: st: Very low sensitivity of fixed-effects logit
- Re: st: Too many variables
- st: Too many variables
- Re: st: esttab "nofirst" error message
- Re: st: Very low sensitivity of fixed-effects logit
- Re: st: Very low sensitivity of fixed-effects logit
- Re: st: Very low sensitivity of fixed-effects logit
- st: Is there any test to examine disitribution overlap with Stata?
- st: Very low sensitivity of fixed-effects logit
- Re: st: estout: can I have several lines of text in -postfoot- ?
- Re: st: esttab "nofirst" error message
- Re: st: estout: can I have several lines of text in -postfoot- ?
- st: How to assess treatreg bivariate normal assumption
- st: How to assess treatreg bivariate normal assumption
- RE: st: RE: Stratify analysis - logistic regression with dummies
- Re: st: download ANCILLARY FILES
- Re: st: Variable format
- st: estout: can I have several lines of text in -postfoot- ?
- st: Initial failure in Cox hazard models
- Re: st: RE: Stratify analysis - logistic regression with dummies
- st: esttab "nofirst" error message
- Re: st: Stratify analysis - logistic regression with dummies
- st: RE:
- Re: st: RE:
- st: RE:
- st: Variable format
- [no subject]
- RE: st: prediction after y-logged regression
- Re: st: Quantile Regression With Groupwise Fixed Effects
- st: RE: Stratify analysis - logistic regression with dummies
- st: Quantile Regression With Groupwise Fixed Effects
- RE: st: Coloring a graph area
- Re: st: Coloring a graph area
- st: Coloring a graph area
- Re: st: RE: RE: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- st: RE: RE: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- Re: st: RE: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- Re: st: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- Re: st: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- st: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- st: RE: generate sum of variables & ignore missing
- st: bootstrapping with sampling weights
- st: xtscc and xtreg - t ratios on time trends
- Re: st: How to define weights in gllamm
- Re: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: c(filedate) for non-stata files?
- st: c(filedate) for non-stata files?
- st: xttest2: Correlation matrix of residuals is singular.
- st: SUR between an ordinary least squares model and a probit model?
- Re: st: nested logit possibilities
- Re: st: matrices and linear transformations
- Re: st: How to define weights in gllamm
- RE: st: STATA code for identifying similar observations within group id
- Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
- st: nested logit possibilities
- Re: st: RE: string function "Sentence case"
- Re: st: RE: string function "Sentence case"
- st: RE: Problem with TOSTRING command
- Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
- Re: st: RE: string function "Sentence case"
- st: RE: string function "Sentence case"
- st: question about reg3 / nlsur use
- st: download ANCILLARY FILES
- st: Problem with TOSTRING command
- st: string function "Sentence case"
- Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
- Re: st: string_functions "Titlecase"?
- Re: st: string_functions "Titlecase"?
- st: matrices and linear transformations
- Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
- st: string_functions "Titlecase"?
- Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
- Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
- st: Problem with xtmixed
- st: How to define weights in gllamm
- st: growth rate
- RE: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- st: R: growth rate
- st: Stratify analysis - logistic regression with dummies
- Re: st: growth rate
- st: xtmixed: comparing variable coefficients across models
- st: handling zero random effects automatically in xtmixed
- Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP, another with Vista
- st: growth rate
- st: New package for plots of event history data: evhistplot
- R: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP,another with Vista
- RE: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP,another with Vista
- Re: st: parsing a variable positionally
- Re: st: RE: Time series with moving average growth rate
- Re: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP, another with Vista
- Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP,another with Vista
- Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP, another with Vista
- RE: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP, another with Vista
- RE: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP, anotherwith Vista
- st: RE: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: simulating data for logistic regression: translating R to Stata
- Re: st: simulating data for logistic regression: translating R toStata
- Re: st: missing values & ice & categorical variables
- Re: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- Re: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
- st: missing values & ice & categorical variables
- Re: st: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- Re: st: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- Re: st: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- Re: st: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- st: RE: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- Re: st: Time series with moving average growth rate
- Re: st: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- st: RE: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- st: RE: Time series with moving average growth rate
- st: recommendation for learning to write Stata ado-files
- st: RE: RE: Is there any test to examine disitribution overlap with Stata?
- RE: st: prediction after y-logged regression
- st: Time series with moving average growth rate
- Re: st: xtmixed documentation
- Re: st: data problem - duplicates
- st: xtlogit residuals, outliers & influential observations
- st: RE: tabstat question
- Re: st: data problem - duplicates
- st: RE: how to deal with categories?
- Re: st: RE: how to deal with categories?
- Re: st: RE: how to deal with categories?
- RE: st: prediction after y-logged regression
- st: correlation in a bivariate probit model
- st: RE: how to deal with categories?
- Re: st: how to deal with categories?
- st: data problem - duplicates
- st: xtmixed documentation
- st: how to deal with categories?
- st: tabstat question
- st: twoway , by() [v.9]
- Re: st: parsing a variable positionally
- RE: st: parsing a variable positionally
- RE: st: parsing a variable positionally
- st: FW: Research Officer in Applied Statistics or Epidemiology (36 months fixed-term post)
- Re: st: parsing a variable positionally
- st: parsing a variable positionally
- st: RE: Is there any test to examine disitribution overlap with Stata?
- Re: st: RE: Different approcah to estimate treatment effect
- RE: st: prediction after y-logged regression
- st: smearing factor - same for the sample or group-specific
- st: RE: prediction after y-logged regression
- Re: st: -infile using- variables in rows?
- Re: st: macval() and passing text as is
- st: treatment effects on the treated and untreated
- st: -infile using- variables in rows?
- RE: st: Fracplot after cnreg, intreg and nbreg
- Re: st: RE: RE: prediction after y-logged regression
- st: RE: RE: prediction after y-logged regression
- RE: st: RE: predict residual after treatreg
- st: RE: prediction after y-logged regression
- st: prediction after y-logged regression
- Re: st: prediction after y-logged regression
- Re: st: saving a matrix with rownames
- RE: st: Fracplot after cnreg, intreg and nbreg
- st: RE: Is there any test to examine disitribution overlap with Stata?
- RE: st: saving a matrix with rownames
- RE: st: STATA code for identifying similar observations within group id
- Re: st: Fracplot after cnreg, intreg and nbreg
- st: Fracplot after cnreg, intreg and nbreg
- Re: st: STATA code for identifying similar observations within group id
- Re: st: simulating data for logistic regression: translating R toStata
- Re: st: macval() and passing text as is
- Re: st: -infile using- variables in rows?
- Re: st: simulating data for logistic regression: translating R to Stata
- st: simulating data for logistic regression: translating R to Stata
- Re: st: macval() and passing text as is
- Re: st: -infile using- variables in rows?
- Re: st: macval() and passing text as is
- Re: st: macval() and passing text as is
- st: macval() and passing text as is
- Re: st: -infile using- variables in rows?
- Re: st: STATA code for identifying similar observations within groupid
- Re: st: STATA code for identifying similar observations within groupid
- Re: st: RE: predict residual after treatreg
- st: -infile using- variables in rows?
- st: RE: predict residual after treatreg
- st: predict residual after treatreg
- Re: st: aggregating data & local macros
- Re: st: test of nested mlogit with survey data
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