To clarify the question somewhat, an explicit example may be useful.
In the context of the following nested logit model, we are trying to
generate predicted probabilities of selecting each restaurant (7
different outcomes) for each value of kids (i.e., kids=0, kids=1,
kids=2, etc.).
webuse restaurant, clear
nlogitgen type=restaurant(fast: 1 | 2, family: 3 | 4 | 5, fancy:6 | 7)
nlogittree restaurant type, choice(chosen)
nlogit chosen cost distance rating || type: income kids,
base(family)|| restaurant:, noconst case(family_id)
Thanks for any suggestions.
On 6/24/08, Caroline B. Theoharides <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running a 2 level nested logit model in Stata 10 using –nlogit-. Does
> anyone know how to calculate marginal effects with the –nlogit- command?
> I specifically want to do post-estimation analysis of the predicted
> probabilities, similar to that encompassed by –asprvalue- in –spost- (which
> incidentally doesn't support nlogit). Is it possible to calculate these
> predicted probabilities in Stata?
> Thank you,
> Caroline
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