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st: dominance testing

From   Shehzad Ali <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: dominance testing
Date   09 Jun 2008 06:03:10 +0100


I am trying to test dominance of concentration curves using - dominance - command. Say there are 1,000 individuals in the sample and 300 of them have insurance and 700 don't. Concentration curves of their health care expenditures are plotted using - glcurve - command. Is it legitimate to test dominance of the two curves against each other or do we only test for dominance between two types of variables for the same individual?

When I run the dominance command I get an error saying 'no observations'. Here is what I am doing:

dominance y1 y2 [aw=wt], sortvar(x) rule(both)

where, y1= health expenditure of insured
y2=health expenditure of uninsured
x=income variable

Any help would be appreciated.


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