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Re: st: User-written commands and vce() support
At 06:34 PM 6/11/2008, Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP wrote:
There is an "undocumented" programmers utility that parses the -vce()- option
for the replication based VCE methods. The "undocumentation" for this parse
utility is available within Stata:
. help _vce_parserun
Thanks much. It works! I am not 100% sure why it works, but it
works. However, if I am following this right, it appears that if you
type something like
oglm y x1 x2, vce(bootstrap)
the code Jeff provided changes the command to
bootstrap: oglm y x1 x2
Which, I suppose, the user could have gone ahead and typed in the
first place, but the help for the -bootstrap- command says it is
better to use the vce(bootstrap) option if a command supports it.
If anyone else wants to adapt this for their own purposes - Jeff's
code includes
`BY' _vce_parserun oglm, mark( Exposure ///
OFFset ///
CLuster ///
HETero ///
eq2) : `0'
I didn't see the -mark- option documented, but when I did -help
_eqlist- I found
markopts(opt_name) options taking a varlist that should be
marked for the estimation sample
One followup question: If you type
help ml##model_options
It says
vce(vcetype) vcetype may be robust, cluster clustvar, oim, opg,
bootstrap, or jackknife
Is this correct? I actually tried hardcoding vce(bootstrap) into my
program and it still said bootstrap was an illegal option. If the
above is correct, why is the extra code needed?
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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