Dear all,
I'm estimating a system of equations (by 3SLS with "reg3") (20 equations)
I'm wondering if a "global" test for autocorrelation in the disturbance exists in such simultaneous model.
I know the durbin Watson test and breush godfrey test to test the correlation in the disturbance of one equation (after "regress").
Thus, in my system of equations, I am able to test each equation separately (programming the durbin Watson or ljung box formula) but I would like to know if it exists a better way to test the autocorrelation globally.
(even if I have to program it)
If you have any idea...
Thank you very much.
Val�rie OROZCO
Toulouse School of Economics (INRA-GREMAQ)
21, all�e de Brienne
F-31000 Toulouse, France
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