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st: Question: Option -by- in -eclplot- revisited

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Question: Option -by- in -eclplot- revisited
Date   Wed, 18 Jun 2008 20:55:47 -0300 (BRT)

Dear Statalisters,

I am using -ecplot- to generate plots of effect sizes and their confidence
intervals by groups (say group 1 and group 2, applying the option -by-).
However, I would like to generate a x-axis reference line in 10.5 (scale
ranging from 1 to 20) in group  1 and another x-axis reference line in
15.4 in group 2(also in the same scale).

I can accomplish this taks using the option "xline(10.5 15.4,
style(default))", but both panels will have two reference lines. The
objective is exactly to have only one reference line in each panel.

Thank you in advance.



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