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st: Matching in STATA

From   Henry <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Matching in STATA
Date   Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:38:16 +0100

Dear listers,
I would like to carry out some matching for a case-control study using
STATA but its proving to be a bit challenging to me. I have checked
from achieves but a query close to mine on statlist was not answered
in 2004. Could there be a way of matching cases to controls within a
range of values say for age, a 40yr old case-patient can be matched to
either a 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42yr old control-patient? I have used
the -merge- command to merge two datasets by sex and age of patients
but it only works for 40yr old case matching a 40yr old control. For
this case am still interested in a 1-1  matching but what if I extend
this to a 1:n match?  I want to have something of this sort:

case-patient                  case-age           sex
control-patient              control-age
1          00b7                            35                    1
     00YP                           35
2          00b7                            35                    1
     0XC1                           33
3          00b7                            35                    1
     0001                            36

Any suggestions.
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