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RE: st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: mass probability function for a binomial distribution
Date   Fri, 27 Jun 2008 18:22:47 +0100

More generally my advice is to apply this sequence: 

1. -help- or manuals (if you know where to look) 

2. -search- 

3. -findit- 

4. FAQs 

5. local expert (skip if _you_ are the local expert) 

6. Statalist archives 

7. Google 

8. Stata tech support or Statalist, depending on kind of question. 

[email protected]  

Steven Samuels

Try typing "search binomial"

Carlo Lazzaro

> since my previous research in the FAQs was unsuccessful, I would  
> like to
> know whether is there a way to obtain the mass probability function  
> for a
> binomial distribution (n 20; k=4; p=.2) with Stata 9/2 SE.

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