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st: -infile using- variables in rows?

From   David Clinton Musselwhite <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -infile using- variables in rows?
Date   Sun, 1 Jun 2008 11:56:41 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Listers,

((Sorry if this is a repeat e-mail -- I attempted to send it Friday
evening and it doesn't show up on the archives, but something weird may be

I'm trying to read in a massive amount of files that are dirty in Excel
format and don't come out clearly using StatTransfer. I think the best way
to approach them is -infile using-, as they're of fixed format and I can
specify what to do with them. The only problem is that the variables are
rows, not columns. I tried writing a dictionary using _row(#) instead of
_column(#), but I keep getting errors (see below) and am wondering why
this is invalid. And if so, what on earth can I do to automate the read-in
process, as cleaning up each Excel file by hand would take prohibitively

--snip from data set--
                  0-10 employees     10-24 employees     25-99 employees
varlabel1  description1  #                  #                   #
varlabel2  description2  #                  #                   #
--end snip--

--attempted dictionary--
dictionary using
"U:\User10\kis6\Datasets\MEPSIC\MEPSICdata\Alabama1996_II.csv" {
( invalid name
dictionary invalid
--end attempted dictionary--

There are 58 row variables and 7 column cases (each of which is separated
by a column...I don't know who designed this format, but I'd like to
introduce them to usability).

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated,

David Musselwhite
BS Candidate '10
Industrial and Labor Relations, Law and Society
Cornell University

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