A solution from first principles is
gen total = 0
qui foreach v of var varA varB varC {
replace total = total + `v' if !missing(`v')
Notice that -total- ends up with 0 if all are missing.
Suppose you want
missing if all are missing
the total of non-missings otherwise
That is only a little more complicated.
gen total = .
qui foreach v of var varA varB varC {
replace total = cond(missing(total), `v', total + `v') if
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
egen varD=rowtotal(varA - varC)
Andrea Bennett
I have 3
columns (varA, varB, varC) containing dummy variables (0, 1, missing
values "."). I would like to generate "varD" the sum of each row, e.g.
if varA==1 varB==0 varC==1 I should have varD==2. This works clearly
fine when there are no missing values (varD= varA + varB + varC). But
is there an easy way to let Stata read a missing value as "0" so that
varA==1 varB==. varC==1 would result in varD==2 (without actually
replacing the missing values with "0")? I am trying to get it to work
with -missing()- but so far have not succeeded.
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/