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Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
I wrote a little .ado file that -graph export-s to .eps and calls
eps2pdf (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/eps2pdf/) to convert
the .eps file to .pdf (using the same fine name), which I then include
for use with pdfLaTeX
cap prog drop epspdf
prog define epspdf
syntax anything [, replace]
if "`replace'"=="replace" {
capture erase "`1'.pdf"
graph export "`1'.eps", `replace'
winexec "C:\program files\eps2pdf\eps2pdf.exe" /f="`1'"
di as text "(file `1'.eps converted to PDF format)"
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. twoway scatter price mpg
. epspdf "C:/temp/test_graph" , replace
(note: file C:/temp/test_graph.eps not found)
(file C:/temp/test_graph.eps written in EPS format)
(file C:/temp/test_graph.eps converted to PDF format)
Martin Weiss wrote:
Dear Listers,
I am wondering whether there is a way to improve on the poor performance
that png graphs achieve when compiled with pdflatex. Does anyone know which
graph type (must be available in Stata 10) performs better in this respect?
I am not fussy when it comes to such issues but what I currently get is not
really presentable...
Thanxx in advance,
Martin Weiss
Diplom-Kaufmann Martin Weiss
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