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RE: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP,another with Vista

From   Adrian de la Garza <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP,another with Vista
Date   Tue, 3 Jun 2008 22:33:56 -0400

Thanks a lot to everyone for your suggestions. Michael Blasnik's and James Hassell's answers look like they could be my best shot... but I really have no idea how to do the things you suggest, as I have never used global variables or environment variables. Could you please be a little bit more specific and tell me a bit more in detail what I'd have to do or read? T

Thank you very much. 

> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: how to run do files in two computers, one with Windows XP, another with Vista
> Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 17:48:04 -0500
> Adrian could use the extended macro function -env- to
> get the information from the operating system's environment variables.
> For example:
> . local homepath : env HOMEPATH
> . local homedrive : env HOMEDRIVE
> . local mypath `homedrive'`homepath'
> . display `"`mypath'"'
> To determine what environment variables are available, open a command
> prompt in Windows, and type -set-.
> Hope this helps.
> -- James
> [email protected]
>> Quick question regarding running do files in two separate computers.
>> My old laptop and my desktop both have Windows XP and I've been
>> running my do files with lines with the following contents:
>> cd "C:\documents and settings\adrian\my documents\research\"
>> and I've never had any problems. Now I have a new laptop with
>> Windows Vista and the directory where My Documents are saved no
>> longer comes after "documents and settings"...
>> what can I do in this case? Do I need to change all of my do files
>> or is there an easier fix?
>> Adrian
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