Dear Statalisters,
First I�d like to thank Andrea Bennet and Austin Nichols, for the help
in merging the different datasets that I'm already using. :)
I'm working with a database that has information for working people,
male and female, in different ranges of age and I'd like Stata to
count how many male (female) persons are in each interval of age and
satisfy the condition of being a self-employed person. Until now, I' m
doing this:
bysort age: egen indep_m = sum(selfemploy == 1 & sex == 1)
tab inxed_m
bysort age: egen indep_f = sum(selfemploy == 1 & sex == 2)
tab inxed_f
And the Stata output for this is:
inxed_m | Freq. Percent Cum.
2 | 66 0.40 0.40
70 | 1,582 9.62 10.02
144 | 2,311 14.05 24.08
231 | 1,924 11.70 35.78
373 | 3,761 22.87 58.65
427 | 2,852 17.34 76.00
530 | 3,947 24.00 100.00
Total | 16,443 100.00
inxed_f | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 66 0.40 0.40
26 | 1,582 9.62 10.02
65 | 2,311 14.05 24.08
68 | 1,924 11.70 35.78
164 | 2,852 17.34 53.12
171 | 3,761 22.87 76.00
259 | 3,947 24.00 100.00
My problem is that when I tabulate the result variables (" indep_m"
and "indep_f ") Stata brings the output of the number of persons in
each age range in an ascending order, but I'd like to have the
information ordered by the range of age (not by the number of persons
satisfying the conditions), to know how many persons are working as
independent in each range of age.
I'd appreciate very much your advice in this.
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