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st: Re: Tabulate command ordering

From   "Leonor Saravia" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Tabulate command ordering
Date   Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:13:21 -0400

Maarten, thank you very much. The way you have done the tabulation is
being very useful.

May I bother you again with other question? with the same data, I'd
like to know, by range of age, what�s the percentage self -employed
males or females. I tryed to do this in the same way you have done the
other tabulation (using cond()), but it didn�t work. I'm sure that I�m
doing something wrong; so, I tryed in an "ugly" way, this:

bysort age: egen self_age_m = count(selfemployed & sex == 1)
bysort edad: egen self_age_f = count(selfemployed & sex == 2)

bysort edad: egen activity_m = count(activity & sex == 1)
bysort edad: egen activity_f = count(activity & sex == 2)

gen self_act_age_m = self_age_m / activity_m
gen self_act_age_f = self_age_f / activity_f

noi tab age self_act_age_m
noi tab age self_act_age_f

but Stata is not doing what I was expecting. The output (wrong) is this:

age? |         1           |     Total
         1 |        66 |        66
         2 |     2,311 |     2,311
         3 |     3,761 |     3,761
         4 |     3,947 |     3,947
         5 |     2,852 |     2,852
         6 |     1,924 |     1,924
         7 |     1,582 |     1,582
     Total |    16,443 |    16,443

  age     |     self_act_age_f      |     Total
         1 |        66 |        66
         2 |     2,311 |     2,311
         3 |     3,761 |     3,761
         4 |     3,947 |     3,947
         5 |     2,852 |     2,852
         6 |     1,924 |     1,924
         7 |     1,582 |     1,582
     Total |    16,443 |    16,443

But I�to know the percentage of people satisfying some conditions by age.

Thank you again!!


2008/6/18, Leonor Saravia <[email protected]>:
> Dear Statalisters,
> First I�d like to thank Andrea Bennet and Austin Nichols, for the help
> in merging the different datasets that I'm already using. :)
> I'm working with a database that has information for working people,
> male and female, in different ranges of age and I'd like Stata to
> count how many male (female) persons are in each interval of age and
> satisfy the condition of being a self-employed person. Until now, I' m
> doing this:
> bysort age: egen indep_m = sum(selfemploy == 1 & sex == 1)
> tab inxed_m
> bysort age: egen indep_f = sum(selfemploy == 1 & sex == 2)
> tab inxed_f
> And the Stata output for this is:
>  inxed_m |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>          2 |         66        0.40        0.40
>         70 |      1,582        9.62       10.02
>        144 |      2,311       14.05       24.08
>        231 |      1,924       11.70       35.78
>        373 |      3,761       22.87       58.65
>        427 |      2,852       17.34       76.00
>        530 |      3,947       24.00      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>      Total |     16,443      100.00
>    inxed_f |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
>          0 |         66        0.40        0.40
>         26 |      1,582        9.62       10.02
>         65 |      2,311       14.05       24.08
>         68 |      1,924       11.70       35.78
>        164 |      2,852       17.34       53.12
>        171 |      3,761       22.87       76.00
>        259 |      3,947       24.00      100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
> My problem is that when I tabulate the result variables (" indep_m"
> and "indep_f ") Stata brings the output of the number of persons in
> each age range in an ascending order, but I'd like to have the
> information ordered by the range of age (not by the number of persons
> satisfying the conditions), to know how many persons are working as
> independent in each range of age.
> I'd appreciate very much your advice in this.
> Thanks!
> Leonor

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