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Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request

From   Christopher Intemann <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: 64 bit Stata for the Mac /feature request
Date   Sat, 14 Jun 2008 18:18:31 +0200

Since we had the discussion about Stata beeing reprogrammend to be released as a 64bit Cocoa app, I would like to request some features which I really miss in the current version.
First of all, the results window:
It is really a pain to extract the results by copy and paste from it, as they never keep their format but get mixed up very often.
Furthermore, it would be great if it was possible to use the 'Alt'-key for textmarking just like in other OS X apps to copy areas, not only full lines. It would be much easier to copy single columns etc..

Another thing is statas build in do file editor. Using it for programming more complex scripts is really a awful:-/
No syntax highligtning, no bracket auto completion/ correction etc..
For instance, I'm writing my scripts using emacs in stata mode. However, there is no way to run them (or parts from them) directly from emacs.
It would be nice if the upcomming stata release would offer an interface for external editors.


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