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Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Tue Jan 31 16:40:34 2006)
- Re: st: hotellings t-sq. test question
- Re: st: Two Stata questions
- st: RE: merging data unique identification problem
- st: RE: merging data unique identification problem
- Re: st: merging data unique identification problem
- st: RE: merging data unique identification problem
- Re: st: merging data unique identification problem
- st: RE: RE: merging data unique identification problem
- st: merging data unique identification problem
- st: hotellings t-sq. test question
- Re: st: Two Stata questions
- st: Two Stata questions
- st: r(198). obs must be between..
- st: Re: Round
- st: RE: RE: estout Sargan statistic and P-val.
- st: Round
- Re: st: Nonlinear equation
- st: RE: estout Sargan statistic and P-val.
- st: estout Sargan statistic and P-val.
- st: regoprob
- st: Re: How to avoid a break down when convergence is not achieved?
- st: RE: How to avoid a break down when convergence is not achieved?
- Re: st: How to avoid a break down when convergence is not achieved?
- Re: st: How to avoid a break down when convergence is not achieved?
- st: How to avoid a break down when convergence is not achieved?
- st: Nonlinear equation
- Re: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- Re: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- st: Re: Normalization in Stata
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- st: Normalization in Stata
- RE: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- RE: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- st: RE: Re: wish list item - table
- RE: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- Re: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- Re: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- RE: st: Gausshermite Ado file and ML program evaluator
- st: Re: wish list item - table
- st: wish list item - table
- Re: st: on-line resources for multiple partial F-test?
- st: plotting stpiece results
- RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- RE: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: RE: RE: repeated time values in sample
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- Re: st: RE: -generate- and run time contingencies
- Re: st: String comparisons in Mata
- st: RE: -generate- and run time contingencies
- st: -generate- and run time contingencies
- st: Unobserved heterogeneity in logistic regression
- st: RE: RE: repeated time values in sample
- Re: st: arellano-bond
- st: RE: repeated time values in sample
- st: RE: Gausshermite Ado file and ML program evaluator
- st: Gausshermite Ado file and ML program evaluator
- st: repeated time values in sample
- st: RE: on-line resources for multiple partial F-test?
- RE: st: RE: ouput tables using command 'display'
- st: arellano-bond twostep
- st: RE: ouput tables using command 'display'
- st: arellano-bond
- st: on-line resources for multiple partial F-test?
- RE: st: RE: ouput tables using command 'display'
- st: RE: Syntax Question/ Cross-sectional Characteristic of a panel data
- st: RE: ouput tables using command 'display'
- st: ouput tables using command 'display'
- RE: generate question (was Re: st: How can I access...)
- Re: generate question (was Re: st: How can I access...)
- generate question (was Re: st: How can I access...)
- Re: st: How can I access goodness-of-fit p-value in a program?(re-send with subject line)
- Re: st: How can I access goodness-of-fit p-value in a program? (re-send with subject line)
- RE: st: How can I access goodness-of-fit p-value in a program? (re-send with subject line)
- Re: st: How can I access goodness-of-fit p-value in a program? (re-send with subject line)
- st: String comparisons in Mata
- st: calculating prevalence with prvalue after logistic regression
- Re: st: How can I access goodness-of-fit p-value in a program? (re-send with subject line)
- st: How can I access goodness-of-fit p-value in a program? (re-send with subject line)
- st: Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 13:52:59 -0500
- Re: st: Format problem?
- Re: st: Format problem?
- st: format problem
- Re: st: Format problem?
- Re: st: Format problem?
- st: Format problem?
- Re: st: Generate puzzle
- st: Re: Generate puzzle
- st: Re: Normalization in STATA
- st: Generate puzzle
- RE: st: Re: coding
- st: italics and symbols in graphs
- RE: st: Re: coding
- RE: st: Re: coding
- RE: st: Re: coding
- st: Re: coding
- st: Re: coding
- st: coding
- Re: st: graph export vs save graph as
- Re: st: sample
- st: Syntax Question/ Cross-sectional Characteristic of a panel data
- st: sample
- st: Stata search plugins for Firefox
- st: Multidimensional Scaling Question
- st: nl, iv in Stata
- st: revised version of -grqreg- on SSC
- st: RE: RE: -separate- command
- Re: st: correlation with confounders
- st: graph export vs save graph as
- st: correlation with confounders
- Re: st: Mata - ascii()
- st: RE: -separate- command
- Re: st: RE: graphs, conditional coloring of bars
- [no subject]
- st: Mata - ascii()
- RE: st: a question about loop and local marco name
- st: Heckprob and heckman commands
- Re: st:Re: [replying to digest messages]
- st: RE: graphs, conditional coloring of bars
- st: graphs, conditional coloring of bars
- Re: st: a question about loop and local marco name
- Re: st: a question about loop and local marco name
- Re: st: a question about loop and local marco name
- Re: st: "///" line continuation marker & win/unix?
- st: a question about loop and local marco name
- Re: st: Confidence intervals in time series
- RE: st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- RE: st: "///" line continuation marker & win/unix?
- st: Confidence intervals in time series
- Re: st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- Re: st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- st:Re: [replying to digest messages]
- Re: st: "///" line continuation marker & win/unix?
- st: "///" line continuation marker & win/unix?
- st: RE: Mata fopen() and memory, manual error
- Re: st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- Re: st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- Re: st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- Re: st: trend test after logistic regression.
- st: RE: Power calculation for McNemar's test
- st: Italicizing caption in Graphs
- Re: st: Pnale cointegration tests
- st: Re: counting and eliminating data
- st: RE: RE: Power calculation for McNemar's test
- st: RE: Power calculation for McNemar's test
- st: RE: Power calculation for McNemar's test
- st: Power calculation for McNemar's test
- st: Pnale cointegration tests
- st: panel test for spatial correlation
- Re: st: CIs from survey commands
- st: use of ttest to test difference of mean between the whole sample and a sub-sample.
- Re: st: trend test after logistic regression.
- Re: st: trend test after logistic regression.
- RE: st: Outputting correlation matrix
- st: variance ratio test
- st: RE: Renaming varnames
- st: RE: Mata fopen() and memory, manual error
- st: RE: Renaming varnames
- Re: st: Mata fopen() and memory, manual error
- st: RE: RE: Renaming varnames
- st: svyset variance
- st: RE: Renaming varnames
- st: Finite Population Correction with Systematic Sampling
- Re: st: The number of variables is limited by Stata: tradeoff between larger database and smaller one?
- st: Mata fopen() and memory, manual error
- st: Renaming varnames
- st: Re: Re: RE: Re: counting and eliminating data
- st: Re: RE: Re: counting and eliminating data
- Re: st: trend test after logistic regression.
- st: RE: insheeting data with numeric variable names
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- st: RE: Re: counting and eliminating data
- st: code for variance ratio test
- st: trend test after logistic regression.
- Re: st: CIs from survey commands
- Re: st: The number of variables is limited by Stata: tradeoff between larger database and smaller one?
- st: insheeting data with numeric variable names
- st: RE: Patrick Royston's ice and micombine and ivreg
- st: New SSC module: -svylorenz- for inequality analysis
- st: Re: counting and eliminating data
- RE: st: CIs from survey commands
- st: Revised version of -hshaz- on SSC
- st: New SSC module: -hutchens- segregation index
- st: Minor revision to -mvprobit- on SSC
- RE: st: Panel probit facility in Stata (was: none)
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- Re: st: RE: Stata functions
- st: RE: Stata functions
- st: counting and eliminating data
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- Re: st: Residuals and Negative Binomial
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- Re: st: Residuals and Negative Binomial
- [no subject]
- st: RE: Patrick Royston's ice and micombine and ivreg
- st: Residuals and Negative Binomial
- Re: st: Thanks Statacorp
- Re: st: Portfolio building
- st: Portfolio building
- st: CIs from survey commands
- st: The number of variables is limited by Stata: tradeoff between larger database and smaller one?
- R�p. : RE: st: Outputting correlation matrix
- st: RE: Patrick Royston's ice and micombine and ivreg
- Re: st: Re: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- st: Patrick Royston's ice and micombine and ivreg
- RE: st: Outputting correlation matrix
- RE: st: Re: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- st: RE: Re: Removing commas & periods from numbers
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
- Re: st: Re: Removing commas & periods from numbers
- Re: st: Outputting correlation matrix
- Re: st: displaying summation of a variable
- st: Re: Removing commas & periods from numbers
- Re: st: Validation Sample Stats
- st: Outputting correlation matrix
- Re: st: Re: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: ologit mfx
- st: Removing commas & periods from numbers
- st: Validation Sample Stats
- Re: st: Thanks Statacorp
- Re: st: displaying summation of a variable
- Re: st: Re: sample selection in multinomial logit
- st: Re: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- st: displaying summation of a variable
- Re: st: Re: sample selection in multinomial logit
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- st: Heckprob postestimation (predict)
- Re: st: roccomp in Stata v9
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line SUMMARY OF SOLUTIONS
- Re: st: Percentages on x-axes
- Re: st: Percentages on x-axes
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- RE: st: Re: really, really square
- st: ologit mfx
- Re: st: Percentages on x-axes
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- st: Percentages on x-axes
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: roccomp in Stata v9
- Re: st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- st: RE: RE: -group- within varlist
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- st: Thanks Statacorp
- st: How to obtain Hessian observation level components after ML estimation?
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- RE: st: Re: really, really square
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- Re: st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- st: Error message: adosubdir not allowed
- RE: st: RE: Stata functions
- RE: st: sum command
- st: Re: really, really square
- Re: Mann-Whitney Test: does the direction of causation matter?
- st: roccomp in Stata v9
- st: Trying to do some multiple imputation
- Re: st: alt to inlist?
- Mann-Whitney Test: does the direction of causation matter?
- Re: st: sum command
- st: sum command
- Re: st: RE: Stata functions
- st: RE: Stata functions
- st: Stata functions
- st: RE: -group- within varlist
- Re: st: overdispersion
- Re: st: numerical integration by INTEG
- RE: st: alt to inlist?
- st: -group- within varlist
- Re: st: alt to inlist?
- RE: st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line
- Re: st: alt to inlist?
- st: RE: Scatterplott point lables cluster on each other.
- st: Scatterplott point lables cluster on each other.
- st: RE: alt to inlist?
- Re: st: problem with time series forecasting
- Re: st: problem with time series forecasting
- RE: st: Mean Test
- st: RE: Checking that -adoupdate- is OK
- st: alt to inlist?
- st: alt to inlist?
- st: alt to inlist?
- RE: st: Dta file name in title bar
- st: Fixed effects model formulation
- Re: st: RE: Testing constraints in a linear regression
- RE: st: RE: RE: graph y-axis equal x-axis in lengths
- RE: st: Dta file name in title bar
- RE: st: Dta file name in title bar
- st: ask help again
- st: problem with time series forecasting
- Re: st: Dta file name in title bar
- st: Dta file name in title bar
- st: numerical integration by INTEG
- Re: st: Mean Test
- st: RE: RE: graph y-axis equal x-axis in lengths
- [no subject]
- st: RE: graph y-axis equal x-axis in lengths
- st: RE: Testing constraints in a linear regression
- st: graph y-axis equal x-axis in lengths
- Re: st: Quantile regression under random censoring
- RE: st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line
- st: xtabond2
- Re: st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line
- st: Updated versions of several modules on SSC
- Re: st: overdispersion
- st: overdispersion
- st: New version of -somersd- on SSC
- Re: st: Mean Test
- RE: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Why does one command "lose" observations compared to another command?
- st: xtabond2 comparison
- Re: st: Why does one command "lose" observations compared to another command?
- st: xtabond2: 2 results comparison
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Why does one command "lose" observations compared to anothercommand?
- Re: st: Why does one command "lose" observations compared to another command?
- Re: st: Why does one command "lose" observations compared to another command?
- st: Why does one command "lose" observations compared to another command?
- Re: st: Poisson or ordered logit/probit
- st: Re: tsset repeated value problems
- RE: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line
- st: stata 9 how to change background color in twoway line
- st: RE: Quantile regression under random censoring
- Re: st: Poisson or ordered logit/probit
- st: Poisson or ordered logit/probit
- st: Quantile regression under random censoring
- Re: st: Testing constraints in a linear regression
- st: Testing constraints in a linear regression
- st: Testing Constraints
- st: Re: oglm program now available at ssc
- st: tsset repeated value problems
- Re: st: Re: sample selection in multinomial logit
- Re: st: Re: sample selection in multinomial logit
- st: Re: sample selection in multinomial logit
- st: sample selection in multinomial logit
- Re: st: RE: RE: help on linear interpolation
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Nested Multinomial Logit
- st: Nested Multinomial Logit
- st: -adjust- after -stcox- with time-varying covariates
- st: -adjust- after -stcox- with time-varying covariates
- Re: st: Checking that -adoupdate- is OK
- Re: st: Checking that -adoupdate- is OK
- Re: st: Checking that -adoupdate- is OK
- RE: st: Subsample Bootstrap
- st: RE: RE: help on linear interpolation
- Re: st: graph export to pdf
- st: graph export to pdf
- Re: st: graph export to pdf
- Re: st: Mean Test
- RE: st: Subsample Bootstrap
- Re: st: Subsample Bootstrap
- st: RE: Help with varsoc and var
- st: Subsample Bootstrap
- st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- Re: st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- Re: st: oglm program now available at ssc
- Re: *** SPAM ALERT *** Re: st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- Re: st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- Re: st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- st: RE: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- st: Continuous vs discrete variables.
- Re: st: Checking that -adoupdate- is OK
- RE: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: oglm program now available at ssc
- RE: st: xthtaylor without endogenous time-invariant variables?
- st: Checking that -adoupdate- is OK
- Re: st: omitting ticks on -twoway- with -by()-
- st: Sorry, everybody!
- Re: st: omitting ticks on -twoway- with -by()-
- RE: st: jitter
- st: RE: help on linear interpolation
- st: help on linear interpolation
- RE: st: jitter
- RE: st: Panel earnings data and coding of time varying indeps
- Re: st: help on creating a new variable
- Re: Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Re: grouping data
- RE: st: questions about xtfisher and impute
- Re: st: Error message 'type mismatch'
- Re: st: Mean Test
- Re: st: Panel earnings data and coding of time varying indeps
- Re:st: jitter
- st: Comparing rates of conversion
- Re: st: Mean Test
- RE: st: Panel earnings data and coding of time varying indeps
- Re: st: sort a list
- st: help on creating a new variable
- st: Mean Test
- Re: st: graph export to pdf
- st: Panel earnings data and coding of time varying indeps
- st: graph export to pdf
- Re: st: poisson and instrumental variables
- st: questions about xtfisher and impute
- st: graph export to pdf
- st: Re: grouping data
- Re: st: RE: Inequaltity constraints
- st: Setting memory/3-user Stata for Windows (network) perpetual license
- st: oglm program now available at ssc
- RE: st: RE: Inequaltity constraints
- st: graph export to pdf
- Re: st: Constraints in stcox
- Re: st: RE: Inequaltity constraints
- Re: st: Constraints in stcox
- Re: st: Constraints in stcox
- st: Constraints in stcox
- st: jitter
- RE: st: sort a list
- Re: st: Mata and memory
- st: Help with varsoc and var
- st: Algorithm for The Traveling Salesmen Problem
- st: -gologit2- update
- st: RE: RE: RE: Fillin missing values, probability for new value
- Re: st: sort a list
- Re: st: sort a list
- st: panel cointegration test
- st: Minor update to -moremata- on SSC
- st: New package for compression of datasets: zipsave
- Re: st: Error message "type mismatch"
- Re: st: Error message 'type mismatch'
- st: RE: covariance of error terms in heckman selection model
- st: Error message "type mismatch"
- st: covariance of error terms in heckman selection model
- st: covariance of error terms in heckman selection model
- st: RE: if-statements in sureg - not possible?
- st: RE: STATA 8,0 unit roots test for unbalanced panels
- Re: st: poisson and instrumental variables
- Re: st: [RePost] Mata and memory
- RE: st: xthtaylor without endogenous time-invariant variables?
- RE: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
- Re: st: poisson and instrumental variables
- Re: st: xthtaylor without endogenous time-invariant variables?
- st: RE: xtabond2
- st: poisson and instrumental variables
- st: RE: Re: Identifying repeated observations in different panels
- Re: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
- st: [RePost] Mata and memory
- st: if-statements in sureg - not possible?
- Re: st: Fillin missing values, probability for new value
- Re: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
- Re: st: postgr3: unrecognized command
- Re: st: sort a list
- st: RE: RE: Fillin missing values, probability for new value
- Re: st: Spelling mistake in graph despite correction in code
- st: RE: Fillin missing values, probability for new value
- Re: st: Question on fill in missing values
- st: sort a list
- Re: st: Spelling mistake in graph despite correction in code
- st: Spelling mistake in graph despite correction in code
- st: Question on fill in missing values
- st: Fillin missing values, probability for new value
- Re: st: postgr3: unrecognized command
- Re: st: St:How to store matrices permanently
- st: STATA 8,0 unit roots test for unbalanced panels
- st: postgr3: unrecognized command
- st: Re: Re: St:How to store matrices permanently
- st: St:How to store matrices permanently
- st: xthtaylor without endogenous time-invariant variables?
- st: Re: Identifying repeated observations in different panels
- st: Re: St:How to store matrices permanently
- st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
- st: RE: conditional logit model with random coefficients
- st: conditional logit model with random coefficients
- Re: st: Identifying repeated observations in different panels
- st: Identifying repeated observations in different panels
- st: St:How to store matrices permanently
- st: RE: rating responses
- st: Problems getting out of sample estimates after streg
- st: rating responses
- st: RE: Standardizing a variable and adjusting for subgroups
- st: Where is Ben Hulley's BBEdit Module?
- st: passthru option in xtabond2
- st: Re: RE: Standardizing a variable and adjusting for subgroups
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- st: RE: Standardizing a variable and adjusting for subgroups
- [no subject]
- st: Standardizing a variable and adjusting for subgroups
- Re: st: RE: Robinson Double Residual Estimates in Stata
- Re: st: RE: Robinson Double Residual Estimates in Stata
- [no subject]
- st: AW: RE: xtabond2: Proper use of ivstyle(.)
- st: RE: xtabond2: Proper use of ivstyle(.)
- st: RE: Inequaltity constraints
- st: Inequaltity constraints
- st: RE: Robinson Double Residual Estimates in Stata
- st: Robinson Double Residual Estimates in Stata
- st: xtabond - Time dummy
- Re: st: testing equality of estimated coefficients in two differentregressions
- st: testing equality of estimated coefficients in two different regressions
- st: Re: Possible error in the latest stata
- RE: st: Possible error in the latest stata
- Re: st: Possible error in the latest stata
- st: Possible error in the latest stata
- Re: st: Overlaid Line Graph
- Re: st: Memory Problem/ Big Stata File
- Re: st: using variable list instead of listing all variables?
- Re: st: using variable list instead of listing all variables?
- st: RE: Log transform and GLM
- st: using variable list instead of listing all variables?
- st: collapsing with strings
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- st: Re: standard errors for 2SLS
- st: one-sample logrank test
- Re: st: compiling mata code
- st: Memory Problem/ Big Stata File
- st: xtabond2: Proper use of ivstyle(.)
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- RE: st: Collapsing with strings
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- st: Kinds of questions
- RE: st: Collapsing with strings
- st: RE: Log Transformation and GLM
- st: Re: standard errors for 2SLS
- st: RE: RE: Log Transformation and GLM
- Re: st: how to merge to datasets containing dates?
- st: panel data and heteroskedasticity
- st: RE: Log Transformation and GLM
- st: xtabond2
- st: Log Transformation and GLM
- st: calculating prediction intervals with weighted regression
- Re: st: how to merge to datasets containing dates?
- st: IV: calculating manually unbiased standard errors for 2sls.
- RE: st: Collapsing with strings
- st: how to merge to datasets containing dates?
- st: xtabond2
- st: Overlaid Line Graph
- Re: st: compiling mata code
- st: AR test in unbalanced Panel sureg
- st: RE: outreg help
- Re: st: compiling mata code
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- Re: st: Collapsing with strings
- st: Re: compiling mata code
- st: RE: Collapsing with strings
- st: compiling mata code
- st: Collapsing with strings
- st: RE: Generate ongoing variable from onset variable
- Re: st: Memory problem Large Dataset
- Re: st: marginal effects after biprobit with margeff
- st: Generate ongoing variable from onset variable
- st: Memory problem Large Dataset
- st: Re: xtabond - test for autocorrelation
- st: outreg help
- st: xtabond2- Equation not identified. Regess
- Re: st: Using wildcards with string values of a variable
- RE: st: AW: xtabond - test for autocorrelation
- st: AW: xtabond - test for autocorrelation
- RE: st: Using wildcards with string values of a variable
- st: xtabond - test for autocorrelation
- Re: st: Using wildcards with string values of a variable
- st: Using wildcards with string values of a variable
- st: A Mata question
- RE: st: value of e [was: Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 21:34:32 +0100]
- Re: st: Re: display time (day and hour)
- st: Re: display time (day and hour)
- st: display time (day and hour)
- st: RE: Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 00:25:04 +0100
- st: Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 00:25:04 +0100
- st: value of e [was: Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 21:34:32 +0100]
- st: Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 21:34:32 +0100
- st: RE: RE: estout help - keeping equations and coefficients
- st: RE: conditional logit model
- st: StatTalk #5 Posted
- st: conditional logit model
- st: prcomp--method of pairwise comparison?
- st: Seemingly unrelated TOBIT
- st: RE: estout help - keeping equations and coefficients
- st: why no pweights in mvreg?
- RE: st: saving .dta files with codes replacing numbers
- RE: Re: Re: st: A query on handling monthly data
- Re: st: RE: Data manipulation query
- Re: st: RE: icd 10?
- st: RE: prcomp
- Re: st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- st: prcomp
- st: marginal effects after biprobit with margeff
- Re: st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- st: RE: estout help - keeping equations and coefficients
- st: RE: estout help - keeping equations and coefficients
- Re: st: saving .dta files with codes replacing numbers
- Re: st: saving .dta files with codes replacing numbers
- Re: Re: Re: st: A query on handling monthly data
- Re: st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- st: saving .dta files with codes replacing numbers
- st: RE: Re: RE: Data manipulation query
- st: Re: RE: Data manipulation query
- st: RE: Data manipulation query
- st: Data manipulation query
- st: estout help - keeping equations and coefficients
- st: RE: RE: changing variable names
- st: RE: RE: Re: count
- Re: st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- st: pweights question using gllamm
- Re: st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- Re: st: Re: count
- Re: Re: st: A query on handling monthly data
- st: RE: icd 10?
- st: RE: changing variable names
- Re: st: icd 10?
- st: changing variable names
- st: RE: icd 10?
- st: RE: Re: count
- st: icd 10?
- st: Re: count
- Re: st: Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:36:11 +0100
- Re: st: Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:36:11 +0100
- Re: st: xi3 command
- st: xi3 command
- st: Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:36:11 +0100
- Re: Re: st: A query on handling monthly data
- Re: st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- st: Dummy variables for pooled regressions
- Re: st: chi2/aw
- st: chi2/aw
- st: Stata for Intel-based Macintosh computers
- st: competing risks with repeated failures
- Re: st: chi2/aw
- st: RE: chi2/aw
- st: chi2/aw
- st: RE: RE: RE: filling in missing string
- Re: st: How does the svy prefix work?
- Re: st: A query on handling monthly data
- Re: st: graph export
- st: A query on handling monthly data
- st: manova
- RE: st: Stata on Linux (Kanotix distro)
- st: Seemingly Unrelated Panel Regression (Semiparametric and parameteric forms)
- Re: st: Stata on Linux (Kanotix distro)
- st: Stata on Linux (Kanotix distro)
- Re: st: graph export
- st: RE: Decomposition of selmlog estimates
- st: graph export
- st: RE: RE: simultaneous probit with two binary variables
- st: RE: simultaneous probit with two binary variables
- st: simultaneous probit with two binary variables
- RE: st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- AW: st: panel VAR
- st: Model assistance
- Re: st: comparing odds ratio in subgroups
- st: update for margeff
- Re: st: missing value problem in ml estimation
- st: comparing odds ratio in subgroups
- re: st: A Stata Wiki???
- Re: st: panel VAR
- st: panel VAR
- st: A Stata Wiki???
- st: UCLA ATS Stata Programs and adoupdate
- st: Heckman: what to report and why
- [no subject]
- Re: st: missing value problem in ml estimation
- Re: st: missing value problem in ml estimation
- st: Postestimation Tobit graphing
- RE: st: missing value problem in ml estimation
- st: Decomposition of selmlog estimates
- st: missing value problem in ml estimation
- st: Re: RE: RE: filling in missing string
- Re: st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- st: RE: RE: filling in missing string
- st: RE: filling in missing string
- RE: st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- st: filling in missing string
- st: RE: random coefficient estimation: xtrc
- Re: st: Some kind of count or tabulation
- st: random coefficient estimation: xtrc
- st: Heckman Selection Variables
- Re: st: Some kind of count or tabulation
- Re: st: ivprobit and wald test of exogeneity
- Re: st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- st: 4th German Stata Users' Group Meeting
- Re: st: ivprobit and wald test of exogeneity
- st: RE: ivprobit and wald test of exogeneity
- st: ivprobit and wald test of exogeneity
- st: RE: A new module in SSC archives. Tablemat.
- Re: st: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- Re: st: calculating robust standard errors for -xtpoisson-
- st: RE: A new module in SSC archives. Tablemat.
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- RE: st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- Re: st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- Re: st: Protecting data sets
- Re: st: Protecting data sets
- Re: st: Re: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- st: Some kind of count or tabulation?
- st: Re: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- st: Re: Re: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- st: Re: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- st: Re: RE: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- Re: st: Stata versions and reproductibility problem.
- st: RE: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- Re: st: Stata versions and reproductibility problem.
- Re: st: Stata versions and reproductibility problem.
- Re: st: Stata versions and reproductibility problem.
- st: Stata versions and reproductibility problem.
- st: A new module in SSC archives. Tablemat.
- st: AW: RE: xtabond2: gmm in levels only meaningful?
- Re: st: Protecting data sets
- st: RE: xtabond2: gmm in levels only meaningful?
- Re: st: Protecting data sets
- st: AW: RE: xtabond2: gmm in levels only meaningful?
- st: RE: xtabond2: gmm in levels only meaningful?
- st: xtabond2: gmm in levels only meaningful?
- Re: st: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- st: Protecting data sets
- Re: st: RE: Reading a tab-delimited text file; version 8.2
- st: RE: Random Coefficients and SURE
- st: calculating robust standard errors for -xtpoisson-
- Re: st: Checking if a file is svyset
- st: Random Coefficients and SURE
- st: RE: Reading a tab-delimited text file; version 8.2
- st: RE: Spell or episode data with overlaps in case control studies
- st: RE: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- st: RE: R2 after newey regression
- [no subject]
- st: RE: Reading a tab-delimited text file; version 8.2
- st: Reading a tab-delimited text file; version 8.2
- Re: st: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- st: Spell or episode data with overlaps in case control studies
- st: ivendog and robust errors
- Re: st: ivendog and robust errors
- st: A dialog box to perform simulations.
- st: SSC archive
- st: Technical Report #1 Version 1.0 Released (... A Look at Stata, SAS and SPSS)
- st: Re: solving equations with stata
- st: solving equations with stata
- Re: st: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- Re: st: RE: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- Re: st: Spatial autocorrelation in logistic regression
- RE: st: RE: Random Coefficients in Simultaneous Equations
- st: bootstraping a matrix of coefficient
- Re: st: RE: Random Coefficients in Simultaneous Equations
- st: RE: Random Coefficients in Simultaneous Equations
- st: Random Coefficients in Simultaneous Equations
- st: Re: ivendog with robust
- Re: st: ivendog and robust errors
- Re: st: R2 after newey regression
- Re: st: R2 after newey regression
- st: RE: R2 after newey regression
- st: R2 after newey regression
- st: ivendog and robust errors
- Re: st: RE: cloglog, loglog, etc
- [no subject]
- st: RE: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- Re: st: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- st: RE: cloglog, loglog, etc
- st: Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Testing
- st: Bootstrap with Panel Data
- st: Bootstrap with Panel Data - Problem Resolved
- st: bug fix for xtabond2
- Re: st: Bootstrap/Robust Standard Errors
- st: Bootstrap with Panel Data
- RE: st: Metan command for stratified analysi
- Re: st: Bootstrap/Robust Standard Errors
- st: Update to -oaxaca- on SSC
- Re: st: more regressor in cointegration context
- st: Spatial autocorrelation in logistic regression
- Re: st: Bootstrap/Robust Standard Errors
- Re: st: turning off horizontal gridlines on twoway scatter graph
- st: Postestimation commands with xtreg
- Re: st: turning off horizontal gridlines on twoway scatter graph
- Re: st: turning off horizontal gridlines on twoway scatter graph
- st: turning off horizontal gridlines on twoway scatter graph
- st: more regressor in cointegration context
- Re: st: Metan command for stratified analysi
- RE: st: A question regarding parmby
- st: A question regarding parmby
- RE: st: Efficiency of calculating maximum likelihood
- st: RE: egenmore xtile
- RE: st: returning a value from a program
- st: egenmore xtile
- st: Question: obtaining robust standard errors from Poisson regressions
- st: RE: Creating blank observations
- st: Creating blank observations
- st: RE: Overlaying Strip Plots
- st: Update to -estout- on SSC
- st: Using -ci- with weights
- RE: st: Efficiency of calculating maximum likelihood
- st: Bootstrap/Robust Standard Errors
- Re: st: RE: cloglog loglog etc
- st: RE: cloglog loglog etc
- st: Efficiency of calculating maximum likelihood
- RE: st: Survival analysis: Interpretation of Cox regression
- Re: st: Principal component analysis
- st: Update to -rrlogit- on SSC
- Re: st: Principal component analysis
- RE: st: return of p-value for beta after regress command
- Re: st: return of p-value for beta after regress command
- RE: st: return of p-value for beta after regress command
- st: return of p-value for beta after regress command
- st: SSC > New module -hcavar-
- st: SSC activity, December 2005
- st: Right truncated Poisson for panel estimators
- st: Principal component analysis
- RE: st: Survival analysis: Interpretation of Cox regression
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