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RE: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
Date   Wed, 18 Jan 2006 16:17:08 -0500

Alan Riley writes (in part):
> If Thomas is talking about the search box available at the 
> top of 

Yes, I was referring to this.

> then adding 
> more keys should NOT get more message hits.  

Right, I stand corrected.  Investigating further (rather than
relying on my faulty memory), I see what I tried to do was 
search for a phrase by placing it in quotes.  Doing so does
not result in anything different from an AND of the words in
the phrase.

> We should also provide a link to the 
> advanced search page at
> which provides much more control over the way results are 
> matched. This page is fairly self-explanatory, but it also 
> needs documentation which we should and will add.

Yes! you should provide a link Alan!  This level of search control
is what I was hoping for and will make the archive much more 

Having said that, I will note that I just tried a "full phrase" 
search that appears to have gone haywire. I searched the phrase 
"steichen cox" and received 10425 hits.  I checked only a few hits 
but, of the hits I checked, none contained that phrase!  It appears 
the words were OR-ed rather than treated as a phrase.  Now I suspect
it was this type of behavior in previous searches that led me to my 
original comment.


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