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st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
Date   Wed, 18 Jan 2006 09:10:17 -0500

Nick Cox writes {in part):

> 2. Suggest to StataCorp that it should be 
> written up as an FAQ. That said, I guess 
> StataCorp would want to point out that 
> archiving Statalist postings and making 
> that archive searchable is their main 
> way of making Statalist a resource. 

This comment about making the archive searchable reminded me 
of a minor frustration with that search tool.  That is, it is
very difficult to find a particular message with the available
search tool (even if you know the message is there), mainly 
because of the limited search options available. It appears every 
search is of the nature: find messages that contain KEY1 or KEY2 
or ....  That is, adding keys gets you more message hits, not 
fewer.  I only say it "appears" that every search is of this 
nature mainly because the search tool has no documentation.  
Perhaps there are ways to modify the search... but I have not
found the technique. 

Thus my question: has any one figured out how to refine searches
using this search tool?

And a further thought for StataCorp: I would find some help 
documentation about the search tool, itself, to be very useful.
Could some be added to the Archive search page?


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