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Re: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)

From   Joe McCrary <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: StataCorp Statalist Archives (was: rating responses)
Date   Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:27:35 -0500

One way that I search the statalist archives is through Google's
search engine. My first term is +statalist which forces the results to
have the term statalist in it. If you were to search +statalist
+Bonferroni +regression  you would get 58 hits from statalist that had
the terms bonferroni and regression in it. You could use the minus
sign before a term to make sure that it gets excluded from your
search. If it's a term that has multiple words, put it in quotes
(e.g., "three-stage least squares").

It's not the perfect solution, as you get results from outside of
statalist, too.

On 1/18/06, Steichen, Thomas J. <[email protected]> wrote:
> Nick Cox writes {in part):
> > 2. Suggest to StataCorp that it should be
> > written up as an FAQ. That said, I guess
> > StataCorp would want to point out that
> > archiving Statalist postings and making
> > that archive searchable is their main
> > way of making Statalist a resource.
> This comment about making the archive searchable reminded me
> of a minor frustration with that search tool.  That is, it is
> very difficult to find a particular message with the available
> search tool (even if you know the message is there), mainly
> because of the limited search options available. It appears every
> search is of the nature: find messages that contain KEY1 or KEY2
> or ....  That is, adding keys gets you more message hits, not
> fewer.  I only say it "appears" that every search is of this
> nature mainly because the search tool has no documentation.
> Perhaps there are ways to modify the search... but I have not
> found the technique.
> Thus my question: has any one figured out how to refine searches
> using this search tool?
> And a further thought for StataCorp: I would find some help
> documentation about the search tool, itself, to be very useful.
> Could some be added to the Archive search page?
> Tom
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Joe McCrary

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
--Albert Einstein

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