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st: help on linear interpolation

From   xiao yi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: help on linear interpolation
Date   Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:25:02 -0800 (PST)

Dear Statalistians,

I need help on a linear interpolation problem. Each
firm has a piecewise linear supply schedule specifying
the price and quantity they would like to offer. The
supply schedule looks like this:

Price        Quantity
  p1             q1
  p2             q2
  p3             q3
  p4             q4

The (p,q) are aranged in an ascending order. The
supply schedule can have as many as 20 (p,q) pairs.
For a market equilibrium price a, I need to find the
corresponding q(a). Mathematically, the q(a) would be:

if a<p1, then q(a)=0
if p1<a<p2, then q(a)=q1+{(q2-q1)*(a-p1)/(p2-p1)}
if p2<a<p3, then q(a)=q2+{(q3-q2)*(a-p2)/(p3-p2)}
and so on.
if a>p4, then q(a)=q4 (suppose p4 is the max(p))

Because I have hands of firms and several years of
data, I would like to program this. Can anyone on the
list give me a hand on the step of linear
interpolation? The rest can be done using do-loops.



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