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RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Testing & modifying ado file without reloading data set
Date   Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:22:17 +0000

Thanks to Rich Goldstein, Thomas Steichen and Nick Cox for their inputs.

Rich's suggestion -discard- from the Stata's command line: did something (I don't know what in my context, though I know what -discard- supposed to do from the manual), but the next time (right after -discard-) I invoke my ado, I received the following message:

.progtest var1 var2 var3
unrecognized command: progtest not defined by progtest.ado

and thereafter, I was not able to invoke the said ado file until I rebooted my computer. Not even clear or exiting and restarting new Stata session allowed me to invoke the ado file again, each time giving me the same error message; following this, I have not used -discard-.

Thomas' suggestion of -program drop adoname- from the command line worked. I tried this before asking the listers albeit by inserting it on top of the line of the ado routine as -capture program drop adoname- instead of using it on the command line. Since the ado is loaded into the memory, this obviously explained why my attempt did not work.

Which brings me to the next point: is there a temporary command that I can insert top or bottom of the line of my ado routines to say something like -clear this version of ado from the memory- jsut for temporary use in this testing period? I ask this for my own education. I started with having to -clear- and reload my data set to test my ado, this has been shortened by -program drop adoname- courtesy of Thomas's suggestion so anything is a bonus now but would be appreciated.


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