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st: a question about loop and local marco name

From   "Jian Zhang" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: a question about loop and local marco name
Date   Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:20:58 -0800 (PST)

Dear statalisters,

I have a question about the local marco name and loop.  I tried hard to 
figure the question out but can not.  Hope that you can help me out.  
Here is the question:

The following is the code that I tried to run:

local list="cuent p412 p413 p413c p414 p416 p417 p4171 p4172 p418 p419 
p420 p421 p422 p423 p424 p412ot" 

foreach x of local list {
     rename `x'_ `x'

but STATA returned with the following error message:
variable p4_ not found


Then I run the following code.  The ONLY difference is that I did not use 
the equal sign in the local macro command (the first line of the code).  
This time it works!


I did not know why the change would make a difference.  It seems to me 
that it doesn't matter with/without equal sign in the local macro 

Then this time I shortened the list in the local marco command as follows:

local list="cuent p412" 
foreach x of local list {
	rename `x'_ `x'

It turns out that this time it works with AND without an equal sign in 
the local marco command.  I am really confused.  Is there any explanation 
why STATA does this?  Is there a general rule for using equal sign or not 
in the local marco command?

Thank you very much!

Jian Zhang

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