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Re: st: return of p-value for beta after regress command

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: return of p-value for beta after regress command
Date   Sun, 01 Jan 2006 17:25:40 -0500

At 04:10 PM 1/1/2006, Colin Cooke wrote:
I am interested in looking at the p-value for each beta after running
a series of regression commands.  I have a program that performs
regression after each "leave one out" iteration in order to determine
how infuential outliers effect the beta coefficients and p-values for
my model.  Unfortunately, I am unable to determine how to get stata to
return the p-value for each beta coefficient after a -regress-
command.  -ereturn list- does not appear to have the beta p-values as
an option.  Can anyone help? Thanks.
Here is a quick and dirty solution. You'll need to modify the calculation of p if the sample is too small to justify a z approximation, i.e. use the t distribution instead.

* Run the regression first, then run this
mat b = e(b)
mat v = e(V)
local k = colsof(b)
mat z = J(1, `k', 0)
mat p = J(1, `k', 0)

forval j = 1/`k' {
local z = b[1,`j'] / sqrt( v[`j', `j'] )
local p = 2* (1 - normal(abs(`z' )) )
mat z[1,`j'] = `z'
mat p[1,`j'] = `p'
mat list z
mat list p

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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