Hiya, hope you're well.
I have a brief query about your -mypkg- that I wanted to put to you
privately: it's just a minor thing, but it's something I should have asked
you months ago.
It's a very neat routine, but I've noticed that it hasn't picked up
certain user-written routines (UWRs) I've downloaded on my Stata, such as
Gary King's -clarify-, which I think was the very first UWR I downloaded.
However, -mypkg- doesn't pick this up. Nor, incidentally, does
-adoupdate-. (-clarify- itself isn't the issue here: I know there isn't a
new version of it and, indeed, never will be.)
I have found that problems with adoupdate can sometimes be solved by
uninstalling and then re-installing the package, so you might try
that. (Just make sure that the package can be re-installed or that
you have a backup of its files.)