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st: SSC activity, December 2005

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: SSC activity, December 2005
Date   Sun, 1 Jan 2006 10:04:06 -0500

There were over 44,000 ado-file downloads from the SSC Archive during December 2005, representing the efforts of 185 members of the Stata user community.

If you are using Stata 9, please remember that the new -adoupdate- command will check to see whether versions of all SSC-downloaded materials are up to date on your system.

Happy new year to all in the Stata community!

The numbers:

1. 754.50 David Roodman XTABOND2
2. 649.00 John Luke Gallup OUTREG
3. 557.00 Edwin Leuven PSMATCH2
4. 557.00 Barbara Sianesi PSMATCH2
5. 402.86 Sophia Rabe-Hesketh GLLAMM
6. 376.50 Mark E Schaffer XTIVREG2
7. 368.67 Steven Stillman IVREG2
8. 368.67 Christopher F Baum IVREG2
9. 368.67 Mark E Schaffer IVREG2
10. 294.00 Nicholas J. Cox WHITETST
11. 294.00 Christopher F Baum WHITETST
12. 245.50 Roy Wada OUTREG2
13. 186.00 Christopher F Baum BPAGAN
14. 186.00 Vince Wiggins BPAGAN
15. 176.00 Ben Jann ESTOUT
16. 173.00 Stephen P. Jenkins INEQDECO
17. 163.00 David Roodman ABAR
18. 157.00 Joseph Harkness IVPROB-IVTOBIT6
19. 155.00 Mark E Schaffer IVENDOG
20. 155.00 Steven Stillman IVENDOG
21. 155.00 Christopher F Baum IVENDOG
22. 151.00 Vince Wiggins OVERID
23. 151.00 Steven Stillman OVERID
24. 151.00 Mark E Schaffer OVERID
25. 151.00 Christopher F Baum OVERID
26. 143.00 Guido W. Imbens NNMATCH
27. 143.00 Jane Leber Herr NNMATCH
28. 143.00 David M. Drukker NNMATCH
29. 143.00 Alberto Abadie NNMATCH
30. 142.50 Roger Aliaga GINIDESC
31. 142.50 Silvia Montoya GINIDESC
32. 135.00 Nicholas J. Cox LEVELS
33. 134.00 Richard Williams GOLOGIT2
34. 132.00 Christopher F Baum XTTEST2
35. 128.00 Richard Sperling WNTSTMVQ
36. 128.00 Christopher F Baum WNTSTMVQ
37. 125.00 Christopher F Baum IPSHIN
38. 125.00 Fabian Bornhorst IPSHIN
39. 117.00 Christopher F Baum LEVINLIN
40. 117.00 Fabian Bornhorst LEVINLIN
41. 116.00 Christopher F Baum STATSMAT
42. 116.00 Nicholas J. Cox STATSMAT
43. 116.00 Scott Merryman XTFISHER
44. 113.00 Jeremy Freese FITSTAT
45. 113.00 J. Scott Long FITSTAT
46. 107.00 Antoine Terracol OUTTEX
47. 103.00 Nicholas J. Cox MVSUMM
48. 103.00 Christopher F Baum HPRESCOTT
49. 103.00 Christopher F Baum MVSUMM
50. 102.67 Charles Morris JOHANS
51. 102.67 Ken Heinecke JOHANS
52. 102.67 Patrick Joly JOHANS
53. 102.00 Patrick Joly GCAUSE
54. 100.71 Patrick Joly VECECM
55. 100.00 Rory Wolfe OMODEL
56. 98.00 Ian Watson LATAB
57. 97.38 Patrick Joly VARLAG
58. 95.33 Fred Wolfe QSIM
59. 95.20 Christopher F Baum VECAR
60. 94.00 Mike Bradburn METAAGGR
61. 94.00 Doug Altman METAAGGR
62. 94.00 Thomas Steichen METAAGGR
63. 94.00 Jon Deeks METAAGGR
64. 92.33 Christopher F Baum OMNINORM
65. 90.00 Nicholas J. Cox MATMAP
66. 89.00 Tamas Bartus MARGEFF
67. 86.00 Vince Wiggins BGTEST
68. 86.00 Joseph Coveney JONTER
69. 86.00 Christopher F Baum BGTEST
70. 86.00 Glenn Hoetker MKCORR
71. 84.50 Nicholas J. Cox TABLEPLOT
72. 84.00 Nicholas J. Cox KERNREG2
73. 84.00 Makoto Shimizu KERNREG2
74. 84.00 Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte KERNREG2
75. 84.00 Toru Taniuchi KERNREG2
76. 83.53 Nicholas J. Cox EGENMORE
77. 83.00 Christopher F Baum ZANDREWS
78. 82.50 Enzo Coviello STKERHAZ
79. 81.00 Christopher F Baum OUTTABLE
80. 81.00 Joao Pedro de Azevedo OUTTABLE
81. 80.00 Christopher F Baum VECAR6
82. 80.00 Patrick Joly VECAR6
83. 79.00 Vince Wiggins HECKMAN2
84. 78.00 Christopher F Baum XTTEST3
85. 77.25 Giovanni S.F. Bruno XTLSDVC
86. 77.00 Christopher F Baum MADFULLER
87. 77.00 Nicholas J. Cox SLICEPLOT
88. 77.00 David M. Drukker IVGMM0
89. 77.00 Christopher F Baum IVGMM0
90. 76.00 Adrian Mander SURFACE
91. 75.75 David Roodman NEWEY2
92. 75.50 Antoine Terracol SUTEX
93. 74.75 Maarten L. Buis BETAFIT
94. 74.75 Nicholas J. Cox BETAFIT
95. 74.75 Stephen P. Jenkins BETAFIT
96. 73.00 Nick Winter MKTAB
97. 73.00 Alejandro Lopez-Feldman DESCOGINI
98. 73.00 Nicholas J. Cox TRIPLOT
99. 72.00 Nicholas J. Cox CQUANTILE
100. 72.00 Paul H. Bern HIREG
101. 71.50 Christopher F Baum KDENS2
102. 71.00 Fred Zimmerman ELAPSE
103. 70.00 Roger Newson ECLPLOT
104. 69.00 Marc-Andreas Muendler MATSAVE
105. 69.00 Nicholas J. Cox MAKEMATRIX
106. 69.00 Nicholas J. Cox ROWSORT
107. 68.00 Xavi Ramos KERNREG1
108. 68.00 Makoto Shimizu KERNREG1
109. 68.00 Nick Winter FASTCD
110. 68.00 Nicholas J. Cox PARPLOT
111. 68.00 Toru Taniuchi KERNREG1
112. 68.00 Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte KERNREG1
113. 67.00 Christopher F Baum HADRILM
114. 66.00 Vince Wiggins OVERIDXT
115. 66.00 Christopher F Baum OVERIDXT
116. 66.00 Philippe Van Kerm INEQUAL7
117. 66.00 Steven Stillman OVERIDXT
118. 65.00 Ian Watson TABOUT
119. 65.00 William D. Dupont SUNFLOWER
120. 65.00 W. Dale Plummer Jr. SUNFLOWER
121. 65.00 Nicholas J. Cox BEAMPLOT
122. 65.00 Roger Newson SMILEPLOT
123. 64.00 Markus Gangl RBOUNDS
124. 64.00 Gregorio Impavido JB6
125. 64.00 J. Sky David JB6
126. 64.00 Christopher F Baum DMEXOGXT
127. 64.00 Steven Stillman DMEXOGXT
128. 63.00 Nicholas J. Cox WINSOR
129. 62.83 Marc-Andreas Muendler EST2TEX
130. 62.00 Dan Blanchette SHORTDIR
131. 62.00 Jeroen Weesie HAUSMAN
132. 61.09 Nicholas J. Cox TAB_CHI
133. 61.00 Paul Millar BIC
134. 60.33 Enzo Coviello STCOMPET
135. 60.00 Adrian Mander SAMPLESIZE
136. 60.00 Stephen P. Jenkins POVDECO
137. 59.00 Dan Blanchette TMPDIR
138. 58.00 Jesper B. Sorensen STPIECE
139. 58.00 Dan Blanchette CONFIRMDIR
140. 57.00 Michael Blasnik ESTSAVE
141. 56.00 Thomas Steichen METAREG
142. 56.00 Roger Harbord METAREG
143. 56.00 Christopher F Baum NHARVEY
144. 56.00 Fabian Bornhorst NHARVEY
145. 55.50 Stephen P. Jenkins HSHAZ
146. 55.00 Nicholas J. Cox DISTINCT
147. 55.00 Gary Longton DISTINCT
148. 55.00 Nicholas J. Cox STRIPPLOT
149. 55.00 Roger Newson LISTTEX
150. 54.50 Fred Zimmerman SWITCHR
151. 54.33 Ben Jann KDENS
152. 54.00 Ben Jann JMP
153. 54.00 Philippe Van Kerm POVERTY
154. 52.00 Henrik Stovring GZSAVE
155. 52.00 Ben Jann DECOMPOSE
156. 52.00 Stanislav Kolenikov PRIMES
157. 51.00 Ben Jann CENTER
158. 51.00 Adrian Mander METAGRAPH
159. 50.33 Ian Watson DECOMP
160. 50.00 Mark E Schaffer IVHETTEST
161. 50.00 Jean-Benoit Hardouin GEEKEL2D
162. 50.00 Christopher F Baum ROLLREG
163. 50.00 Adrian Mander SAMPSI_MCC
164. 50.00 Nicola Orsini GAMET
165. 50.00 Nicholas J. Cox MVCORR
166. 50.00 Nicola Nante GAMET
167. 50.00 Christopher F Baum MVCORR
168. 50.00 Nicholas J. Cox CIPLOT
169. 50.00 Debora Rizzuto GAMET
170. 49.50 Stephen P. Jenkins PGMHAZ8
171. 49.50 Ben Jann OAXACA
172. 49.00 Ben Jann ESTADD
173. 49.00 Philip Ryan TAB3WAY
174. 48.25 Dan Blanchette USESAS
175. 48.00 Joseph Hilbe NBSTRAT
176. 48.00 Roberto Martinez-Espineira NBSTRAT
177. 48.00 Christopher F Baum DFGLS
178. 48.00 Richard Sperling DFGLS
179. 48.00 Joseph Hilbe CNBREG
180. 48.00 Ken Heinecke MLCOINT
181. 48.00 Mark E. Schaffer IVRESET
182. 47.50 Jean-Benoit Hardouin RASCHTESTV7
183. 47.50 Joseph Hilbe GNBSTRAT
184. 47.00 Ben Jann MAT2TXT
185. 47.00 Michael Blasnik MAT2TXT
186. 47.00 Nicholas J. Cox SQ
187. 47.00 Paul Seed XTGRAPH
188. 47.00 Jonah B. Gelbach PROBITIV
189. 46.50 Jeroen Weesie IIA
190. 46.43 Dan Blanchette SAVASAS
191. 46.00 Christopher F Baum ARIMAFIT
192. 46.00 Adrian Mander SAMPSI_REG
193. 46.00 Christopher F Baum PANELUNIT
194. 45.50 Joseph Hilbe GIVGAUSS2
195. 45.00 Paul Millar BICDROP1
196. 45.00 Nicholas J. Cox KEYPLOT
197. 45.00 Roger Newson PARMEST
198. 44.00 Adrian Mander CDFPLOT
199. 44.00 Tony Brady UNIQUE
200. 43.00 Stephen P. Jenkins INEQFAC
201. 42.20 Joao Pedro Azevedo GRQREG
202. 42.00 Ben Jann DUNCAN
203. 42.00 David Roodman IVVIF
204. 42.00 Nicholas J. Cox TABPLOT
205. 41.50 Antoine Terracol TRIPROBIT
206. 41.33 Jean-Benoit Hardouin RASCHTEST
207. 41.00 Christopher F Baum PROBEXOG-TOBEXOG
208. 41.00 Gregorio Impavido JB
209. 41.00 Nicholas J. Cox DUPS
210. 41.00 J. Sky David JB
211. 41.00 Thomas Steichen DUPS
212. 40.29 Ben Jann ESTADD_PLUS
213. 40.00 Jeroen Weesie WHITE
214. 40.00 Jeroen Weesie MMERGE
215. 40.00 Ben Jann ERET2

(remaining entries suppressed, but included in computations below)

1. Nicholas J. Cox 4296.12
2. Christopher F Baum 4033.56
3. Mark E Schaffer 1101.17
4. David Roodman 1058.25
5. Ben Jann 991.12
6. Steven Stillman 804.67
7. Vince Wiggins 768.00
8. Stephen P. Jenkins 748.17
9. Roger Newson 693.33
10. John Luke Gallup 658.00
11. Adrian Mander 648.33
12. Joseph Hilbe 640.95
13. Edwin Leuven 565.67
14. Barbara Sianesi 557.00
15. Patrick Joly 507.77
16. Sophia Rabe-Hesketh 424.86
17. Jean-Benoit Hardouin 411.83
18. Thomas Steichen 379.23
19. Dan Blanchette 348.18
20. Nick Winter 309.44
21. Philippe Van Kerm 307.50
22. Fabian Bornhorst 298.00
23. Fred Wolfe 275.13
24. Nicola Orsini 271.00
25. Jan Brogger 261.30
26. Michael Blasnik 255.00
27. Antoine Terracol 254.00
28. Paul Millar 247.00
29. Roy Wada 245.50
30. David M. Drukker 220.00
31. Enzo Coviello 219.83
32. Ian Watson 219.33
33. Jeroen Weesie 215.50
34. Richard Sperling 206.00
35. Patrick Royston 194.56
36. John Hendrickx 185.40
37. Joseph Harkness 182.00
38. Joanne M. Garrett 164.00
39. Richard Williams 162.00
40. Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte 161.20
41. Makoto Shimizu 161.20
42. Philip Ryan 152.00
43. Toru Taniuchi 152.00
44. Ken Heinecke 150.67
45. Gregorio Impavido 150.00
46. Guido W. Imbens 143.00
47. Alberto Abadie 143.00
48. Jane Leber Herr 143.00
49. Zhiqiang Wang 143.00
50. Roger Aliaga 142.50
51. Silvia Montoya 142.50
52. Herve M. Caci 141.00
53. Stanislav Kolenikov 135.00
54. Marc-Andreas Muendler 131.83
55. Scott Merryman 130.67
56. Paul H. Bern 126.00
57. Fred Zimmerman 125.50
58. Joao Pedro Azevedo 122.70
59. Rory Wolfe 121.50
60. Giovanni S.F. Bruno 115.25
61. Jeremy Freese 113.00
62. J. Scott Long 113.00
63. Joseph Coveney 110.50
64. Gary Longton 109.00
65. J. Sky David 105.00
66. Charles Morris 102.67
67. Tony Brady 101.00
68. Ulrich Kohler 98.17
69. Doug Altman 94.00
70. Mike Bradburn 94.00
71. Jon Deeks 94.00
72. Matteo Bottai 94.00
73. Tamas Bartus 89.00
74. Glenn Hoetker 86.00
75. William D. Dupont 85.00
76. Jonah B. Gelbach 84.00
77. Paul Seed 83.50
78. Debora Rizzuto 82.00
79. William Gould 81.83
80. David Kantor 81.60
81. Joao Pedro de Azevedo 81.00
82. Jens M. Lauritsen 78.00
83. Maarten L. Buis 74.75
84. Alejandro Lopez-Feldman 73.00
85. Bill Rising 71.00
86. Bill Sribney 70.00
87. Xavi Ramos 68.00
88. Henrik Stovring 65.68
89. W. Dale Plummer Jr. 65.00
90. Markus Gangl 64.00
91. Maurizio Pisati 62.00
92. D. H. Judson 59.67
93. Jesper B. Sorensen 58.00
94. Roger Harbord 56.00
95. Nicola Nante 50.00
96. Roberto Martinez-Espineira 48.00
97. Mark E. Schaffer 48.00
98. David E. Moore 46.00
99. R. E. De Hoyos 41.00
100. Aurelio Tobias 40.00
101. Mario Cleves 40.00
102. Nicholas Oulton 39.00
103. Vincent Kang Fu 38.50
104. Neil Shephard 38.00
105. Tairi Room 37.00
106. David Clayton 37.00
107. Amadou Bassirou Diallo 36.00
108. Sean F. Reardon 35.62
109. Guy D. van Melle 35.00
110. Lorenzo Cappellari 35.00
111. Jamie Griffin 34.00
112. Eileen Wright 33.10
113. Abdel G. Babiker 33.00
114. Jeffrey S. Simons 32.00
115. Anders Alexandersson 31.00
116. Mark Lunt 30.00
117. Jesper Sorensen 28.67
118. Phil Bardsley 28.00
119. David Harrison 28.00
120. Lee E. Sieswerda 25.00
121. Philip B. Ender 25.00
122. Eduard Pelz 24.00
123. Julian Higgins 24.00
124. Hilde Schaeper 23.67
125. Jeph Herrin 23.50
126. Jisheng Cui 23.00
127. John R. Gleason 23.00
128. Kevin McKinney 23.00
129. Alex Gamma 23.00
130. Allen Buxton 23.00
131. Michael Hills 22.60
133. Sander Greenland 21.00
134. Rino Bellocco 21.00
135. W. Dale Plummer, Jr. 20.00
136. Desmond E. Williams 20.00
137. Jose Maria Sanchez Saez 20.00
138. George M. Hoffman 19.00
139. Aijing Shang 19.00
140. Lars E. Kroll 19.00
141. Hung-Jen Wang 19.00
142. Neville Verlander 17.00
143. Andr� Charlett 17.00
144. Kenneth Higbee 16.00
145. Jerzy Mycielski 16.00
146. Dean Judson 15.50
147. John Moran 15.00
148. Ross Odell 14.00
149. Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen 14.00
150. Peter Sasieni 14.00
151. Dankwart Plattner 13.50
152. John Reynolds 13.00
153. Roberto G. Gutierrez 13.00
154. Philip Price 12.20
155. Bear F. Braumoeller 12.00
156. Gero Lipsmeier 12.00
157. Thomas Cornelissen 12.00
158. Jonathan Sterne 12.00
159. R. Allan Reese 11.67
160. Rafal Raciborski 11.00
161. John Carlin 11.00
162. Stephen Soldz 11.00
163. Richard Goldstein 11.00
164. Carolyn Coffey 10.73
165. Ning Li 10.73
166. Philip Greenwood 10.73
167. John B. Carlin 10.73
168. Martin Biewen 10.50
169. Steffen Kuehnel 10.00
170. Joshua H. Sarver 10.00
171. Andrew Shephard 10.00
172. Michael Lokshin 9.00
173. Svend Kreiner 9.00
174. Svend Juul 9.00
175. Zurab Sajaia 9.00
176. Michael S. Hanson 9.00
177. Al Feiveson 8.50
178. Eric Zbinden 8.00
179. Peter Lachenbruch 8.00
180. P.T.Seed 8.00
181. Morten Andersen 8.00
182. Margaret M. Weden 8.00
183. Frauke Kreuter 6.50
184. E. Paul Wileyto 6.00
185. Azra Ghani 6.00

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