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st: Right truncated Poisson for panel estimators

From   "Boye, Mark" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Right truncated Poisson for panel estimators
Date   Sun, 1 Jan 2006 10:04:24 -0500

The dependent variable is a daily count of the number of
clinically-meaningful adverse opioid-related symptoms (e.g., fatigue,
drowsy, concentration) right-truncated at <= 3 on each day and the data
is for 3 days.

Would you please advise on how to estimate this model with a random
intercept and random coefficients for the independent variables time and
amount of opioid consumed?

Relatedly, I would then like to estimate the above model
(right-truncated) specified as a population-averaged model in order to
used the results as input into an economic model.  Would you please
advise on how to accomplish this? I believe LIMDEP has such capabilities
but I am rather reluctant to re-learn this program in the middle of a

Finally, if I must use LIMDEP to estimate the model, can I input the
LIMDEP estimates into STATA in order to use the superior STATA
facilities such as statsby (I've got 8 surgical-type dummies, gender,
and 3 age categories by which to estimate predicted values).

Thank you,

Mark E. Boye MBA, MPH, Ph.D.
Associate Director
WW Outcomes Research
Midwest/Ann Arbor Development Site
Pfizer Inc
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI  48105-2430
Tel: 734-622-4856
Fax: 734-622-2055
E-mail: [email protected]

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