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st:Re: [replying to digest messages]

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st:Re: [replying to digest messages]
Date   Thu, 26 Jan 2006 16:00:06 +0000

For a variety of reasons, mostly good,
you can send to Statalist only by using
a mailer directly and by sending from the email
address known to Statalist managing
software. There is no scope for replying
from archives.

My guess is that threading software
goes on internal information in the email
message, namely what you are replying
to, not the title, so replying to a digest message
doesn't help in maintaining threads. You
can see this by the fact that many people
reply to an existing message, but change
the title because they are starting a new thread, but
that does not impress threading software.
This is irritating because the solution
is available to those people and what
they are doing is just a bit lazy.

My own line, not wearing any hat, is
that the problem you describe does
exist, but that it is a small pity
but not a big deal. In any case,
I see no way of dealing with it
short of your changing to the full
version of Statalist.

[email protected]

Matissa Hollister

On a completely different note, I'm wondering about
replying to posts when I get the statalist in digest
form.  I frequently use the archives to look up
information and therefore appreciate the posts being
ordered into threads.  Since I get the messages in
digest form, though, I can't just hit reply to a post
and as far as I can tell there is no option in the
archives or other websites to post replies to past
messages.  I'm not sure of the mechanics of how the
archives keep track of threads.  I'm testing here one
approach which I hope will work, which is copying the
subject line of the original post with an "re:" in
front of it.  Other suggestions would be welcome.

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