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st: RE: Re: count

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: count
Date   Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:47:55 -0500

victor michael zammit writes:
> In version 8 ,how do you get to count the number of P's and 
> A's for each Name
> Hello Stata listers,
> In version 8 ,how do you get to count the number of P's and 
> A's for each Name
>   Name D8  D9  D14  D15  D16  D19
> 1.  Z      A    A    P      P       P     A
> 2. G       P     A    P      P      A     P
> 3. S       A      P    P      P      A    A
> 4. An    A       P    P     A       P    P
> 5. Ma    P       P    P      P     A     P

The egenmore function -rcount- would do this:

  . egen countA = rcount(D8 D9 D14 D15 D16 D19) , c(@ == A) 
  . egen countP = rcount(D8 D9 D14 D15 D16 D19) , c(@ == P)

This generates variables whose values are the counts of A's and P's in each observation.
There may be an updated way to to this too...


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