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st: Testing constraints in a linear regression
I am estimating a model which is constrained. I am trying to test the
constraints, but stata keeps giving me an error message.
My model is
Y = (ρ-1)Yt-1 + β (Xt-Xt-1) + β(1- ρ)Xt-1 + εi
The stata command I am using is
reg Y Yt-1 (Xt-Xt-1) Xt-1
test Yt-1 * (Xt-Xt-1)= -(Xt-1)
When I do that I am getting an error,
I have about more than one ((Xt-Xt-1), Xt-1 variables. Please help
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/