A. Jalal wrote:
> I am trying to use the parmby command to retrieve the results
> of a number of regressions I am running. The command I am
> using:
> parmby "qui sureg (Y XA) (Y XB)", by(group) es(N) label command
> norestore saving(Equation1.dta, replace)
> I need to save the R-squares and the Chi-squares from each of
> the regressions. However, I have no idea how to get them. I
> have tried the evec command, but without any success.
the reason why the evec option did not work is that sureg does not save the R-squares and
Chi-squares as a vector. If you first estimate the sureg model and than type -ereturn list- you
get all the information sureg saves. Than you can build the -parmby- command, like the example
*------------begin example--------------
sysuse auto, clear
sureg (price weight length) (mpg weight)
ereturn list
parmby "qui sureg (price weight length) (mpg weight)" /*
*/,by(foreign) es(N chi2_1 r2_1 chi2_2 r2_2) label command norestore
*------------end example---------------
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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