Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Fri Nov 30 22:30:06 2007)
- st: Problem with gllamm adaptive quadrature
- st: How to run a program with ! / winexec minimized
- RE: st: Controlling page width in log files
- Re: st: Controlling page width in log files
- st: Controlling page width in log files
- st: -gevfit- update
- st: linear algebra, partial sums
- st: Re: Unix stata big dataset
- Re: st: -corrtable- available from SSC
- st: update hangroot
- RE: st: -corrtable- available from SSC
- Re: st: -corrtable- available from SSC
- st: RE: RE: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- st: -corrtable- available from SSC
- RE: st: RE: RE: RE: stringto date
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: stringto date
- Re: st: predict after clogit
- st: RE: RE: RE: stringto date
- Re: st: predict after clogit
- st: RE: RE: stringto date
- st: RE: stringto date
- st: stringto date
- Re: st: Re: Unix stata big dataset
- Re: st: RE: Hausman Taylor Test to check for REv/s FE
- st: Reposts
- RE: st: Testing for a contiguous subset of observations?
- Re: st: Standardized Coefficients after XTIVREG2
- RE: st: Testing for a contiguous subset of observations?
- Re: st: Testing for a contiguous subset of observations?
- st: RE: Testing for a contiguous subset of observations?
- Re: st: Standardized Coefficients after XTIVREG2
- st: Testing for a contiguous subset of observations?
- Re: st: RE: Hausman Taylor Test to check for REv/s FE
- Re: st: Standardized Coefficients after XTIVREG2
- st: RE: Hausman Taylor Test to check for REv/s FE
- Re: st: Gllamm question
- Re: st: predict after clogit
- Re: st: Re: Unix stata big dataset
- st: Gllamm question
- st: How to run a program with ! / winexec minimized
- Re: st: Re: Unix stata big dataset
- Re: st: Xthtaylor
- Re: st: need help with svymean
- Re: st: Re: Unix stata big dataset
- st: Re: Unix stata big dataset
- Re: st: Unix stata big dataset
- st: Unix stata big dataset
- [Autoreply] Re: st: need help with svymean
- st: need help with svymean
- st: predict after clogit
- Re: st: Vector Autoregression in Panel Data
- Re: st: stset problem
- Re: st: stset problem
- st: stset problem
- st: RE: xtivreg2 and year dummies
- st: Vector Autoregression in Panel Data
- Re: st: RE: dumb cross-tab question
- st: xtivreg2 and year dummies
- Re: st: RE: dumb cross-tab question
- Re: st: dumb cross-tab question
- Re: st: RE: dumb cross-tab question
- Re: st: dumb cross-tab question
- st: RE: dumb cross-tab question
- Re: st: Treatment effects regression with multiple treatments
- st: dumb cross-tab question
- Re: st: How to merge baseline dataset with cohort dataset?
- st: How to merge baseline dataset with cohort dataset?
- st: How to run a program with ! / winexec minimized
- st: How to run a program with ! / winexec minimized
- st: Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 09:08:18 +0100
- st: RE: How to run a program with ! / winexec minimized
- st: forecast horizon: fevd
- Re: st: Re: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and openingfiles by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- Re: st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed,and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- RE: st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- st: -gevfit- available from SSC
- st: re: 2SLS and Hausman test
- st: RE: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- Re: st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- st: Re: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- Re: st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed,and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- Re: st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, andopening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- st: Hausman-Taylor model, general doubts
- Re: st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed,and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- st: xtivreg2 and year dummies
- st: Question RE: having Stata 9 and 10 both installed, and opening files by default with Stata 9 (not 10)
- st: re: 2SLS and Hausman test
- re : st: re: 2SLS and Hausman test
- st: Hausman Taylor Test to check for REv/s FE
- st: HT estimator unbalanced panels and heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: gllamm using stata 10
- st: Re: re: 2SLS and Hausman test
- st: re: 2SLS and Hausman test
- st: How to run a program with ! / winexec minimized
- st: Hausman and 2SLS
- st: 2SLS and Hausman test
- Re: st: RE: Converting span data to spell data
- st: RE: Converting span data to spell data
- st: bugfix hangroot
- st: __0000004 already defined - error?
- st: Converting span data to spell data
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- RE: st: problem with xtlogit
- st: RE: problem with xtlogit
- Re: st: problem with xtlogit
- st: problem with xtlogit
- RE: st: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- [Autoreply] Re: RE: st: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logis
- Re: st: MacOS 10.5 Quick Look support for do-files and ado-files
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- RE: st: group size needed for mixed models (binary response)
- st: MacOS 10.5 Quick Look support for do-files and ado-files
- Re: st: group size needed for mixed models (binary response)
- st: RE: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- Re: st: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- st: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- Re: st: mkdat
- RE: st: group size needed for mixed models (binary response)
- st: RE: interval ordinal
- Re: st: xtabond with N equal to T
- Re: st: RES: treatreg model with binary outcomes
- st: RE: interval ordinal
- st: mkdat
- Re: st: xtabond with N equal to T
- st: interval ordinal
- st: RE: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- Re: st: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- st: R: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- st: Testing normality of a continuous predictor variable in a logistic model
- Re: st: radmatch.ado in Stata 10
- Re: st: Last modification to a data file
- Re: st: Last modification to a data file
- Re: st: Last modification to a data file
- Re: st: Last modification to a data file
- st: Last modification to a data file
- RE: st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- st: radmatch.ado in Stata 10
- Re: st: group size needed for mixed models (binary response)
- Re: st: group size needed for mixed models (binary response)
- [no subject]
- st: group size needed for mixed models (binary response)
- RE: st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- RE: st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- RE: st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- RE: st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- Re: st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- st: missing z-values when using dprobit
- RE: st: calculation problem
- st: calculation problem
- Re: st: Counting interactions within a group
- st: RE: Counting interactions within a group
- st: Counting interactions within a group
- Re: st: Estout and number of observations
- st: output of xtdpd
- st: Treatment effects regression with multiple treatments
- Re: st: Typesetting labels in graphs
- Re: st: Typesetting labels in graphs
- st: working with matrix's rows
- st: Typesetting labels in graphs
- Re: st: Estout and number of observations
- Re: st: "Difference-in-differences" program needed
- st: Dummy var for 2 consecutive variables
- Re: st: re; general econometrics question
- Re: st: problem of stratum with only one PSU
- st: problem of stratum with only one PSU
- st: Updated Venndiag.ado for Stata8-10
- RE: st: Regression diagnostics after svy logistic regression
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: To Stata programmers - All programs should provide references
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: How to rename an ado file within Stata
- st: RE: rvfplot and heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: -reshape-? -xpose-?
- st: Re: rvfplot and heteroskedasticity
- st: -reshape-? -xpose-?
- st: rvfplot and heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: optimal lag order in dynamic panel
- st: Venn diagram in circle
- RE: st: Regression diagnostics after svy logistic regression
- RE: st: Issue with statsby
- Re: st: optimal lag order in dynamic panel - feed into levinllin
- st: optimal lag order in dynamic panel
- Re: st: testing equality of means for survey data
- st: testing equality of means for survey data
- st: Issue with statsby
- Re: st: Issue with statsby
- RE: st: Regression diagnostics after svy logistic regression
- st: RE: More subtle use of by-plots
- st: RE: How to rename an ado file within Stata
- RE: st: To Stata programmers - All programs should provide references
- Re: st: Comparing cumulated incidence of a cohort with the general population
- Re: st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- st: re; general econometrics question
- Re: st: re: general econometrics question
- st: "Difference-in-differences" program needed
- Re: st: Oaxaca and Oaxaca2
- Re: st: Oaxaca and Oaxaca2
- Re: st: Oaxaca and Oaxaca2
- st: Re: Re: xtabond with N equal to T
- Re: st: Comparing cumulated incidence of a cohort with the general population
- Re: st: oaxaca decomposition index
- Re: st: oaxaca decomposition index
- Re: st: oaxaca decomposition index
- st: Oaxaca and Oaxaca2
- st: Re: Re: xtabond with N equal to T
- Re: st: oaxaca decomposition index
- st: SV: re: how do I get more than 244 characters...
- Re: st: Regression diagnostics after svy logistic regression
- st: Comparing cumulated incidence of a cohort with the general population
- st: re: how do I get more than 244 characters...
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- st: oaxaca decomposition index
- RE: st: addstat option with outreg
- st: re: general econometrics question
- Re: st: Logit/probit across different groups
- st: More subtle use of by-plots
- st: XTABOND2 tests of autocorrelation and restrictions (fwd)
- Re: st: Logit/probit across different groups
- Re: st: To Stata programmers - All programs should provide references
- st: How do I get more than 244 characters into my return local macro?
- st: General econometrics question
- st: Re: rolling chow test
- st: To Stata programmers - All programs should provide references
- st: Logit/probit across different groups
- st: heckman and not missing at random
- st: Re: xtabond with N equal to T
- st: Standardized Coefficients after XTIVREG2
- st: xtabond with N equal to T
- st: RES: Problem with ttest in stata 8/9?
- st: Problem with ttest in stata 8/9?
- st: RE: question about survey commands
- st: question about survey commands
- Re: st: Generating a unique ID
- Re: st: Generating a unique ID
- Re: st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- Re: st: Generating a unique ID
- Re: st: estout, OLS and multiple Heckman selection models
- Re: st: Generating a unique ID
- st: Generating a unique ID
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- Re: st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- Re: st: estout, OLS and multiple Heckman selection models
- st: Automatic import of EpiData files
- Re: st: xthtaylor & unbalanced panels
- RE: st: Conversion of data from Stata 10 to Stata 9
- Re: st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- Re: st: Conversion of data from Stata 10 to Stata 9
- Re: st: Conversion of data from Stata 10 to Stata 9
- st: Conversion of data from Stata 10 to Stata 9
- Re: st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- Re: st: How to rename an ado file within Stata
- st: xthtaylor & unbalanced panels
- st: How to rename an ado file within Stata
- Re: st: estout, OLS and multiple Heckman selection models
- Re: st: Estout and number of observations
- SV: st: return local limitation to 244 characters
- Re: st: return local limitation to 244 characters
- st: return local limitation to 244 characters
- st: Ado for Lin's Method?
- Re: st: Svy subsamples
- st: Svy subsamples
- st: sample splitting problem
- st: estout, OLS and multiple Heckman selection models
- RE: st: RE: Hausman test for FE-RE (xtivreg and xtivreg2)
- RE: st: RE: Hausman test for FE-RE (xtivreg and xtivreg2)
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- Re: Re: st: sample splitting problem
- Re: st: Workflow to combine dummy variables?
- [no subject]
- Re:st: RE: Hausman test for FE-RE (xtivreg and xtivreg2)
- Re: st: sample splitting problem
- st: sample splitting problem
- st: Workflow to combine dummy variables?
- st: re: why aren't commands displayed within a foreach-loop
- st: Why aren't commands displayed within a foreach-loop
- Re: st: gllamm using stata 10
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- Re: st: Extracting repetition number in simulate
- Re: st: Textpad and Stata 10 -- batch jobs interrupted
- Re: st: Presenting results of zero-inflated negative binomial
- st: Extracting repetition number in simulate
- st: RE: Hausman test for FE-RE (xtivreg and xtivreg2)
- Re: st: return results from dstdize
- [no subject]
- Re: st: gllamm using stata 10
- st: Hausman test for FE-RE (xtivreg and xtivreg2)
- Re: st: gllamm using stata 10
- st: Estout and number of observations
- Re: st: gllamm using stata 10
- st: Presenting results of zero-inflated negative binomial
- st: Textpad and Stata 10 -- batch jobs interrupted
- Re: st: RES: treatreg model with binary outcomes
- Re: st: RES: treatreg model with binary outcomes
- Re: st: display commands generated within foreach-loop
- st: RES: treatreg model with binary outcomes
- Re: st: How to sort out missing data
- st: gllamm using stata 10
- Re: st: direct import from Epidata-Entry .rec files
- =?UTF-8?Q?R=C3=A9p.=20:=20Re:=20st:=20-Estout-=20and=20-labcol2-?=
- Re: st: How to sort out missing data
- Re: st: -Estout- and -labcol2-
- st: RE: How to sort out missing data
- st: How to sort out missing data
- st: -Estout- and -labcol2-
- st: addstat option with outreg
- st: How to map clusters to a correlation matrix
- st: direct import from Epidata-Entry .rec files
- RE: st: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- RE: st: RE: ologit data handling
- st: RE: Re: Re: xttrans
- Re: st: display commands generated within foreach-loop
- Re: st: direct import from Epidata-Entry .rec files
- st: AW: re: rolling chow test
- st: direct import from Epidata-Entry .rec files
- st: Re: Re: xttrans
- Re: st: display commands generated within foreach-loop
- Re: st: display commands generated within foreach-loop
- st: display commands generated within foreach-loop
- Re: st: RE: ologit data handling
- RE: st: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- RE: st: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- Re: st: RE: ologit data handling
- st: treatreg model with binary outcomes
- st: RE: RE: -weibullfit-, -qweibull-, -pweibull- from SSC
- st: re: rolling chow test
- Re: st: RE: ologit data handling
- Re: st: RE: ologit data handling
- Re: st: RE: ologit data handling
- Re: st: RE: ologit data handling
- st: RE: -weibullfit-, -qweibull-, -pweibull- from SSC
- Re: st: RE: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- st: -weibullfit-, -qweibull-, -pweibull- from SSC
- st: RE: ologit data handling
- st: why no pw option with collapse (sd)?
- st: RE: ologit data handling
- st: Puja Vasudeva Dutta is on leave and out of the office.
- st: rolling chow test
- st: ologit data handling
- Re: st: problem with mvprobit
- st: Event history/Survival analysis_how to introduce time varying variables
- Re: st: RE: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- Re: st: problem with mvprobit
- st: XTABOND2 tests of autocorrelation and restrictions
- RE: st: tabulate or other command?
- RE: st: How to append a dataset using one observation only
- Re: st: problem with mvprobit
- st: problem with mvprobit
- st: RE: A Problem on generating a variable using --appended-dataset
- st: RE: xttrans
- st: A Problem on generating a variable using --appended-dataset
- st: RE: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- Re: st: st : Problem of no enough observations
- RE: st: Testing non-proportionality in a discrete-time survival model in which the main effect of time is treated as continuous.
- Re: st: RE: Drawing Graphs in STATA
- Re: st: Drawing Graphs in STATA
- Re: st: Regression diagnostics after svy logistic regression
- Re: st: re: clustering residuals
- st: re: clustering residuals
- st: RE: Code and info for log-transformation
- st: German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) available for Stata
- st: Regression diagnostics after svy logistic regression
- Re: st: Listing criteria
- Re: st: mle programming problem
- st: Clustering residuals
- st: Listing criteria
- st: mle programming problem
- st: simulated data for logistic regression... remedial algebra help?
- Re: st: scaling
- Re: st: tabulate or other command?
- st: How to obtain the solution of a quintic polynomial equation using Stata
- Re: st: Jenkins wage gap index?
- Re: st: Jenkins wage gap index?
- Re: st: What is this problem called?
- Re: st: How to obtain the solution of a quintic polynomial equation using Stata
- st: How to obtain the solution of a quintic polynomial equation using Stata
- st: How to append a dataset using one observation only
- Re: st: scaling
- Re: st: What is this problem called?
- st: tabulation
- st: scaling
- Re: st: Jenkins wage gap index?
- st: R-squared between in Xtreg FE
- st: Jenkins wage gap index?
- Re: st: New -ssc- subcommand in most recent update
- Re: st: New -ssc- subcommand in most recent update
- Re: st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- Re: st: New -ssc- subcommand in most recent update
- Re: st: A Problem on Append Command
- Re: st: New -ssc- subcommand in most recent update
- Re: st: New -ssc- subcommand in most recent update
- st: re: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- Re: st: Code and info for log-transformation
- st: A Problem on Append Command
- Re: st: Code and info for log-transformation
- st: st : Problem of no enough observations
- st: Help with multiple imputation using Stata
- st: SSC downloads: geographical distribution
- Re: st: Code and info for log-transformation
- Re: st: Code and info for log-transformation
- st: Code and info for log-transformation
- Re: st: Testing non-proportionality in a discrete-time survival model in which the main effect of time is treated as continuous.
- Re: st: SSC hits by country
- Thanks - RE: st: What is this problem called?
- st: RE: Drawing Graphs in STATA
- Re: st: Problem with ytitles for axis(2) when creating by-graphs
- st: Problem with ytitles for axis(2) when creating by-graphs
- Re: st: Drawing Graphs in STATA
- Re: st: Testing non-proportionality in a discrete-time survival model in which the main effect of time is treated as continuous.
- st: Drawing Graphs in STATA
- st: Testing non-proportionality in a discrete-time survival model in which the main effect of time is treated as continuous.
- st: re: z-score as a dependent variable
- Re: st: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- Re: st: Anthro - Stata .ado files
- st: re: a stata question
- RE: st: A stata question
- Re: st: A stata question
- Re: st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- st: SSC hits by country
- RE: st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- st: xttrans
- Re: st: Anthro - Stata .ado files
- Re: st: Anthro - Stata .ado files
- Re: st: Any STATA network in Johannesburg-South Africa?
- Re: st: Anthro - Stata .ado files
- st: re: xtabond 2
- Re: st: A stata question
- st: Anthro - Stata .ado files
- st: xtabond 2
- RE: st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- Re: st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- Re: st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- Re: st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- Re: st: What is this problem called?
- st: creating a variable equal to the last number of another
- Re: st: Reshaping dataset
- st: Reshaping dataset
- Re: st: Any STATA network in Johannesburg-South Africa?
- st: Any STATA network in Johannesburg-South Africa?
- st: First Polish Stata Users Gruop Meeting
- st: How to calculate SIR over a datasert with multiple episodes
- st: R: What is this problem called?
- Re: st: Fixed effects of cost function with interations
- RE: st: What is this problem called?
- Re: st: How to append a dataset using one observation only
- st: Fixed effects of cost function with interations
- RE: st: What is this problem called?
- RE: st: What is this problem called?
- st: survival analysis: stratifying and adjusting for leadtime
- Re: st: What is this problem called?
- Re: st: What is this problem called?
- st: What is this problem called?
- st: Regression analysis over period of time
- Re: st: A stata question
- st: A stata question
- Re: st: How to append a dataset using one observation only
- st: How to append a dataset using one observation only
- Re: st: Panel with low within variance and -xtfmb-
- st: RE: Scatter graph with error "whiskers"?
- st: How to specify random factor in xtmelogit (LogReg w/ random factor)
- Re: st: Scatter graph with error "whiskers"?
- Re: st: RE: change in indexing for stata10
- Re: st: RE: change in indexing for stata10
- RE: st: RE: change in indexing for stata10
- st: RE: change in indexing for stata10
- Re: st: change in indexing for stata10
- st: change in indexing for stata10
- st: Re: Scatter graph with error "whiskers"?
- Re: st: re: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- st: Re: Kohonen algorithm
- st: Scatter graph with error "whiskers"?
- st: New -ssc- subcommand in most recent update
- st: RE: sample size calculation for survival data
- st: sample size calculation for survival data
- Re: st: re: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- Re: st: re: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- Re: Re: st: creating a matrix by adding rows inside a loop: conformability error
- Re: st: RE: Scoring
- Re: st: RE: Scoring
- st: RE: Scoring
- st: Scoring
- st: st : how to treat endogeneity
- st: Re:
- Re: st: Interpretation of sts list
- Re: st: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- Re: st: Interpretation of sts list
- st: re: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- st: Re: IVPOIS
- Re: st: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- [no subject]
- Re: st: RE: mean level
- st: z-score as a dependent variable in a linear regression
- st: RE: How to get results from -selectvars-
- st: How to get results from -selectvars-
- st: RE: How to get results from -selectvars-
- [no subject]
- st: How to get results from -selectvars-
- st: cmp now works in Stata 9.2
- Re: st: Interpretation of sts list
- st: Interpretation of sts list
- st: -lomackinlay- updated
- st: standard errors for marginal fitted values
- Re: st: Specifying categorical factors & GLMM parameter estimates
- st: Specifying categorical factors & GLMM parameter estimates
- st: -mvsumm- routine updated
- RE: st: RE: simple programming question relating to lists
- Re: st: RE: simple programming question relating to lists
- RE: st: RE: simple programming question relating to lists
- Re: st: simple programming question relating to lists
- Re: st: RE: simple programming question relating to lists
- [no subject]
- Re: st: RE: simple programming question relating to lists
- st: IV regressions
- Re: st: simple programming question relating to lists
- st: RE: simple programming question relating to lists
- st: simple programming question relating to lists
- st: RE: mean level
- Re: st: mean level
- st: RE: mean level
- st: RE: mean level
- st: RE: mean level
- Re: st: mean level
- st: mean level
- st: R: Attaching Out of Sample data to the present Dataset in Memory
- Re: st: Cox overfitting test?
- st: RE: Attaching Out of Sample data to the present Dataset in Memory
- Re: st: Attaching Out of Sample data to the present Dataset in Memory
- st: Attaching Out of Sample data to the present Dataset in Memory
- RE: st: Test for trend for SIR
- [no subject]
- Re: st: legends in multiple overlaid graphs
- Re: st: Cox overfitting test?
- Re: st: Cox overfitting test?
- Re: st: Some questions about ivreg2 xtivreg xtivreg2
- st: Cox overfitting test?
- st: filling missing rows
- st: re: some questions about ivreg2...
- st: filling missing rows
- st: RE: filling missing rows
- Re: st: table of study population characteristics
- st: RE: legends in multiple overlaid graphs
- st: Some questions about ivreg2 xtivreg xtivreg2
- Re: st: legends in multiple overlaid graphs
- st: table of study population characteristics
- Re: st: how to create dummy for unique values across variables
- st: legends in multiple overlaid graphs
- st: RE: if qualifier
- st: if qualifier
- st: RE: Re RE: multiple sample split (year-by-year)
- RE: st: string variable
- st: conformability error in micombine
- [no subject]
- st: Re RE: multiple sample split (year-by-year)
- Re: st: Test for trend for SIR
- st: re: multiple sample split (year-by-year)
- st: RE: multiple sample split (year-by-year)
- st: RE: interactive terms in command line
- st: multiple sample split (year-by-year)
- RE: st: string variable
- Re: st: string variable
- RE: st: Test for trend for SIR
- st: RE: strange (?) behavior of -egen group- function
- RE: st: string variable
- Re: st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- Re: st: Test for trend for SIR
- Re: st: return results from dstdize
- st: return results from dstdize
- st: return results from dstdize
- Re: st: Test for trend for SIR
- st: Confidence Limits forGLLAPRED Marginal Probabilities
- st: discrete time-varying covariate in cox models
- st: Re: How to sum several scalars
- Re: st: Using multiple equations with Optimize()
- st: Re: How to sum several scalars
- Re: st: string variable
- st: st : how to simply estimate combinaison of parameters estimated
- st: Re: Stata to MySQL using ODBC
- Re: st: creating a matrix by adding rows inside a loop: conformability error,
- st: strange (?) behavior of -egen group- function
- st: RES: How to sum several scalars
- Re: st: Using multiple equations with Optimize()
- st: PostgreSQL connection problems
- RE: st: capturing full survival time with KM -sts graph-
- st: string variable
- st: How to sum several scalars
- st: More about -ivpois- on SSC
- Re: st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5
- st: RE: SV: RE: RE: Data transformation
- st: RE: scale errors in kdensity
- Re: st: scale errors in kdensity
- st: RE: interactive terms in command line
- st: interactive terms in command line
- st: scale errors in kdensity
- Re: re: st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5
- st: R: Sample size for non inferiority trial
- st: update hangroot
- Re: st: using treatment and selection models for my data
- st: SV: RE: RE: Data transformation
- Re: st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5
- Re: st: Sample size for non inferiority trial
- Re: st: capturing full survival time with KM -sts graph-
- st: Sample size for non inferiority trial
- Re: st: capturing full survival time with KM -sts graph-
- st: Using multiple equations with Optimize()
- Re: st: question about coefficient testing with xtgee
- st: creating a matrix by adding rows inside a loop: conformability error
- st: RE: RE: Data transformation
- st: capturing full survival time with KM -sts graph-
- Re: Re: st: question about (my) ivreg [error!!! with xtivreg2]
- SV: st: Data transformation
- Re: st: Data transformation
- st: Data transformation
- st: RE: Data transformation
- RE: st: using treatment and selection models for my data
- Re: st: using treatment and selection models for my data
- st: using treatment and selection models for my data
- st: Request for help re: my treatment and selection models
- Re: st: using multiple variable lists in ancova
- st: Re: Merging by intervals or subgroups
- st: -rd- on SSC, and a working paper
- st: -ivpois- on SSC, and a call to arms
- Re: st: question about (my) ivreg
- Re: st: using multiple variable lists in ancova
- st: re: average rate of growth
- st: re: from Stata to mySQL
- st: question about (my) ivreg
- st: from Stata to MySQL
- Re: st: re: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- st: R: average rate of growth - help
- st: average rate of growth - help
- st: using multiple variable lists in ancova
- st: Merging by intervals or subgroups
- Re: st: Bivariable and multivariable log regression analysis
- Re: st: Bivariable and multivariable log regression analysis
- Re: st: Bivariable and multivariable log regression analysis
- Re: st: Bivariable and multivariable log regression analysis
- Re: st: Bivariable and multivariable log regression analysis
- st: Bivariable and multivariable log regression analysis
- st: re: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- re: st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5
- Re: st: repeated measures or nesting?
- Re: st: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- st: Help with rocgold
- st: Right click and select 'any' properties in the graph editor
- st: xtabond2, abar, and cmp updates
- Re: st: Writing output from byvar and tab to dataset
- Re: st: Writing output from byvar and tab to dataset
- st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5
- st: Writing output from byvar and tab to dataset
- st: Accept-reject procedure and -drawnorm- for simulating likelihood in -ml-
- Re: st: repeated measures or nesting?
- Re: st: Problem with syntax - Option X required ... but Options not
- st: re: problem with options
- st: Problem with syntax - Option X required ... but Options not allowed
- Re: st: Size of graph window
- Re: st: select single observations with value closest to target value
- Re: st: select single observations with value closest to target value
- st: repeated measures or nesting?
- Re: st: select single observations with value closest to target value
- Re: st: select single observations with value closest to target value
- st: select single observations with value closest to target value
- st: lomackinlay updated
- st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- st: -stripplot- updated on SSC
- st: Size of graph window
- st: -invgammafit- available on SSC
- st: I am on leave and will return on 12/11/07.
- Re: st: marginal effects after ivprobit
- st: re: xtabond and predict
- st: xtabond and predict
- Re: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- st: RE: Silly question about variable window.
- st: Silly question about variable window.
- st: marginal effects after ivprobit
- Re: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- Re: st: Variance estimation with clusters
- Re: st: List of 3 variables over time?
- Re: st: List of 3 variables over time?
- st: RE: List of 3 variables over time?
- Re: st: List of 3 variables over time?
- st: List of 3 variables over time?
- Re: st: very simple statistical analysis question for survey data
- RE: st: -njc_stuff- updated on SSC
- RE: st: -njc_stuff- updated on SSC
- Re: st: -njc_stuff- updated on SSC
- RE: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- st: -njc_stuff- updated on SSC
- Re: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- RE: st: data management - sets of two lines into single line observation
- st: Bug fixed
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- RE: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: RE
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: RE: st: RE: three mea
- Majordomo results: RE: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on t
- st: RE: Majordomo results - repeated emails
- Majordomo results: Re: st: Majordomo results - repeated ema
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Re: Majordomo res
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: st: Majordomo res
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Re: st: Majordomo results - repeated emails
- Re: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- Majordomo results: Re: st: Majordomo results - repeated ema
- Re: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- st: Majordomo results: Re: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Re: st: Majordomo results - repeated emails
- Majordomo results: Re: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on t
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: st: Majordomo res
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: st: RE: three mea
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Re: st: Variance estimation with cluster
- Re: st: Variance estimation with clusters
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results - repeated emails
- st: Majordomo results - repeated emails
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: st: Variance esti
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results
- Majordomo results: st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results
- Re: st: Variance estimation with clusters
- Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re: st: Variance esti
- st: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Majordomo results: Re
- Majordomo results: Re: st: Variance estimation with cluster
- Re: st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- Re: st: Variance estimation with clusters
- st: Variance estimation with clusters
- Re: st: RE: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- Re: st: Re: unbalanced panel data with heteroskedasticity and correlation of residuals
- Re: st: QIC Program question to assess fit in xtgee
- Re: st: data management - sets of two lines into single line observation
- Re: st: data management - sets of two lines into single line observation
- st: data management - sets of two lines into single line observation
- st: Error component models
- st: Updated -gzsave- and -zipsave- packages
- RE: st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- Re: st: very simple statistical analysis question for survey data
- st: very simple statistical analysis question for survey data
- Re: st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: zanthro and the new 2006 WHO growth reference
- RE: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- RE: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- Re: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- st: covariance structure for residuals
- Re: st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- RE: st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- RE: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- Re: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- Re: st: RE: graph plot region size control
- Re: st: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- Re: st: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- st: RE: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- Re: st: regress with 4000 x's is very slow
- st: three mean and sd plots on the same graph?
- Re: st: multiple imputations for svy:intreg
- st: How to reproduce a very specific text book example of logistic regression using Stata
- Re: RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- st: question about coefficient testing with xtgee
- Re: st: regress with 4000 x's is very slow
- RE: st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- st: RE: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: st : how to treat endogeneous variables with NLSUR
- RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- Re: st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- RE: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growth reference standards?
- Re: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growthreference standards?
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- RE: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- Re: st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- Re: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growthreference standards?
- st: regress with 4000 x's is very slow
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: st : how to treat endogeneous variables with NLSUR
- Re: st: details of how the impute command work
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- st: st : how to treat endogeneous variables with NLSUR
- st: Error component models
- st: Computation of Correlation Coefficients - COMPLEX
- Re: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growth reference standards?
- st: Estimates save and lincom - Stata10
- RE: st: cross-model testing on panel data
- Re: st: How to obtain fit indices from a logistic regression model in Stata?
- st: How to obtain fit indices from a logistic regression model in Stata?
- st: cross-model testing on panel data
- Re: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growth reference standards?
- Re: st: details of how the impute command work
- Re: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growthreference standards?
- Re: st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growthreference standards?
- st: re: details on how the impute command works
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- st: details of how the impute command work
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- st: Is there a new zanthro command for the new 2006 WHO growth referencestandards?
- st: New package -rpnfcn-
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- RE: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- st: fracpoly and GAM
- Re: st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: SUR, different no. of obs. and restrictions
- Re: st: SUR, different no. of obs. and restrictions
- st: RE: saving output of -correlate, c- in two submatrixes for later use
- st: RE: model for fractional data with panel data
- st: model for fractional data with panel data
- Re: st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: saving output of -correlate, c- in two submatrixes for later use
- st: SUR, different no. of obs. and restrictions
- st: RE: ivreg coefficients not as they should be?
- st: -spineplot- update available from SSC
- st: multiple imputations for svy:intreg
- Re: st: gen & summation again
- Re: st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: gen & summation again
- Re: st: -collapse- and -merge-
- Re: st: gen & summation
- st: gen & summation
- st: RE: graph plot region size control
- Re: st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginning of observations
- st: graph plot region size control
- st: RE: new package hangroot
- st: new package hangroot
- st: complex correlation coef. computation
- Re: st: MSLT
- st: MSLT
- st: regional fixed effects in nlsur
- RE: st: Placing the content of 3 cells in 1 new cell?
- Re: st: How to compare the performance of two random effects model?
- RE: st: Placing the content of 3 cells in 1 new cell?
- Re: Re: st: Placing the content of 3 cells in 1 new cell?
- Re: st: Placing the content of 3 cells in 1 new cell?
- st: Placing the content of 3 cells in 1 new cell?
- st: ivreg coefficients not as they should be?
- st: predict after xtmixed
- Re: st: replace two characters within an eight-character string
- Re: st: replace two characters within an eight-character string
- Re: st: variables into a macro
- st: VIF and invariant variables or trend
- st: re: inference on coefficients
- st: re: replace two characters within an eight-character string
- st: inference on coefficients
- Re: st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: replace two characters within an eight-character string
- Re: st: Re: re: how to start writing your own estimation command
- Re: st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: Re: unbalanced panel data with heteroskedasticity and correlation of residuals
- Re: st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: MANCOVA versus Zellner's SUR
- st: re: xtoverid and ivreg2 version conflict in Stata 8.2
- st: How to compare the performance of two random effects model?
- st: xtoverid and ivreg2 version conflict in Stata 8.2
- st: Re: xtabond 2 with T=2
- st: re: inference on coefficients
- st: dropped constant
- st: inference on coefficients
- st: West Coast Stata Users Group meetings proceedings
- st: re: inference on coefficients
- st: RE: syntax of xtoverid
- st: syntax of xtoverid
- Re: st: variables into a macro
- Re: st: -collapse- and -merge-
- st: inference on coefficients
- st: -collapse- and -merge-
- Re: st: variables into a macro
- st: RE: variables into a macro
- Re: st: variables into a macro
- RE: st: variables into a macro
- st: variables into a macro
- st: dropped constant
- st: Re: re: how to start writing your own estimation command
- Re: st: problem with .png graph export in Stata 10
- st: RE: Infile errors - resolution
- st: re: how to start writing your own estimation command
- st: Re: How to start writing your own estimation command
- Re: st: Fixed effects using binary numbers + F test for Fixed effects
- Re: st: Gen & replace
- Re: st: Fixed effects using binary numbers + F test for Fixed effects
- Re: st: Gen & replace
- Re: st: Gen & replace
- Re: st: How to start writing your own estimation command
- st: QIC Program question to assess fit in xtgee
- Re: st: misaligned labels when spanning multiple lines
- Re: st: How to start writing your own estimation command
- st: Simulation of a Panel VAR
- RE: st: Avoiding scientific notation in test statistics
- Re: st: Avoiding scientific notation in test statistics
- st: How to start writing your own estimation command
- st: Avoiding scientific notation in test statistics
- RE: st: Refer to parameter vector using variable-name abbreviation
- st: Re: overidentification test for Hausman-Taylor estimation
- Re: st: unbalanced panel data with heteroskedasticity and correlation of residuals
- Re: st: xtabond2 and instruments (HELP)
- st: Refer to parameter vector using variable-name abbreviation
- Re: st: Why -logistic- does not simply output estimates in an easier way?
- Re: st: How to obtain logistic regression estimates without creating a new dataset?
- st: R: Gen & replace
- st: How to obtain logistic regression estimates without creating a new dataset?
- st: Why -logistic- does not simply output estimates in an easier way?
- st: Fixed effects using binary numbers + F test for Fixed effects
- st: SSC package downloads for October
- Re: st: Stata setup under winows
- st: Gen & replace
- Re: st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginning of observations
- st: RE: RE: mata (simple): generating random numbers
- Re: st: mata (simple): generating random numbers
- st: RE: mata (simple): generating random numbers
- st: mata (simple): generating random numbers
- st: ckvar package updated on SSC
- st: Stata setup under winows
- st: RE: Data Manipulation
- st: Data Manipulation
- Re: st: Graphics: yline in foreground
- Re: st: log-transformation of an independent variable in logisticregression: What to do with the zeroes
- st: Graphics: yline in foreground
- st: log-transformation of an independent variable in logistic regression: What to do with the zeroes
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- Re: st: Countfit
- st: Countfit
- Re: st: Help please re Ocratio
- Re: FW: st: new problem with table display
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- st: West Coast Stata Users Group Meetings
- st: multivariate ordered probit
- st: SSC Authors tally for Aug-Oct 2007
- Re: st: creating differences when time periods are misssing
- st: R: creating differences when time periods are misssing
- Re: Re: st: SV: -spineplot- available from SSC
- Re: st: creating differences when time periods are misssing
- Re: st: how to write the pr meaning?
- Re:st:How to write the pr meaning
- st: how to write the pr meaning?
- Re: st: Small Area Estimation
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